Growing as a Career?


Active Member

  • its only costs me about $38 an ounce to grow, i could get it lower but that would mean more investing money....but its all for me anyways i dont sell to nobody. if i did though 250 dollar ounces would mean 212$ profit off each ounce. Not to bad no matter how you look at it.​

people who grow are too greedy these days lol

Thats why i crack up when i hear some caregivers say they dont make any money charging 250-300 an ounce


New Member
One can dial it right down to the penny!

I have set myself up just you as would do with any home based business. With being legal, paperwork is different than if your on the sly. I have records I keep which allow me to see exactly what is most benifical for me and my clients and can make recommendations on strains that cost less to produce if pricing is an issue. I do not take requests on strains, this allows me to have a solid pricing structure, if I know how my plants react I can be a better grower. I send a sample and if you like great, if not, your on the search again. Generally I supply the Health Canada's agreed amount at a set rate then if any additional is requested another price applies (agreed on in a eariler conversation)

My pricing is not meant for me to get rich but I have my own issues to deal with also.

I am ready for the tax man...I got some huge set-up costs I wanna right off! lol


Well-Known Member
$24 an hour !! aint much minumum wage is $7.50 here most I've got was $12 working my ass off except when I get paid for a job they get pissed when I'm done so quick it would still take most longer but when I get paid for a job I bust ass only stopping for water I do alright with cord wood cause I drop my own trees but its some of the hardest work but thats good for $160 a day minus gas less than a gallon for chain saw delivery is what gets you
i count my rent... its still $$$ coming out of pocket, and i dont even grow on my property.. or sell it, personal personal personal personal, i got a full time job i make 24 an hour.. not much but enough, i just got tired of buying an 8th a day, especially with prices now, jeebus!


Active Member
Those prices are a fckn joke..they need to no legalize it do they profit...besides selling to non mmj aproved states?...some one chime in I'm curious now..:/