Growin in a fish included?

Chef Sweetleaf

Active Member
Just a thought and wondering if anybody has ever tried this but has anyone had a hydroponics setup in a fish tank and acctually had fish in the tank? I know they have those plants with the beta fish in a vase completing a whole little ecosystem but will pot grow in that same idea of setup? The fish would actually nurishing the water and all. I dunno I just thought it would be cool. :hump:


Well-Known Member
maybe if u used organic nutrients the fish wouldnt die... not really sure im no fish expert. but when it comes to the plants my guess is there would be too much light in the tank for the roots. roots are supposed to be kept in the dark


Active Member
I read something about where they are using "aquaponics" or something using fish in water with the plants(non cannabis) floating over them and the fish living among the roots. No nutrients, all the fish waste make the water rich in nutes. But this operation looked like to b on a big scale in the magazine i was reading. But worked. Could maybe do it on a small scale but would take alot of work and time.


Well-Known Member
the fish might pick at the roots.
wouldnt the roots get slimey in a tank with fish.
wouldnt the water have tobe flowing.
wonder if fish could withstand a thc envirment.
wouldnt the roots contain thc?.


New Member
sorry to burst your bubble but i doubt this would work.

1. The amount of algea and bacteria that develops in a fish tank would kill your plants.
2. Nutrients and Fertilizers would kill your fish.
3. Even if you had a filter to clean the water, that would also remove all the nutes and such organic or not.

I just dont think it would work.


Well-Known Member
aquaponics works man no nutes i aint put any pot in there yet but my tomatos work great seasol (liqid seaweed) is the only thing i add i run an ebb and flow tray and a rubbermaid aero like fletch's diy one off a fish tank the fish produce ammonia which is turned into nitrates by enzymes/bacteria in my tray my tomatos love it i cant see why pot wouldnt too


Active Member
yes it works guaranteed

this is an old school method dating back thousands of years (not exaggerating)

you dont let the plants and fish mingle, but they do share the same water. you feed the fish, and the fish feed your plants.

screw buying plant food, fish food is way cheaper! :P

if i had my own place and room for a big fish tank i would DEFINITELY do this