grow virgin needs some info


Active Member
hi all this is my 2nd post on rollitup not a lot i know but ive been reading up a lot on this top forum ive read so much info in the last few weeks it all just sounds so cool and the look of that baby just poping its head out in some of the pics in the member grow journal,s as just made me fall in love

so today ive been out and got some (nirvana white rhino seeds) iand i think its time to clean the walkin wardrobe out in the bedroom so i can have a baby of my own

so can any of you give me any info on white rhino whats its like to grow and its needs and so on as this is my first time im a grow virgin lol then i can get to setting my room up

thanks a lot regards brian :weed:


all strains are pretty much the same.... they all need the same things to grow... dirt, light, water, and air.... you're just starting out, dont over-complicate it ;)


Active Member
all strains are pretty much the same.... they all need the same things to grow... dirt, light, water, and air.... you're just starting out, dont over-complicate it ;)

very true mate thanks for the advice ill just go with the flow for now see how i get on :joint: