Grow Room Setup 5 x 10 x 7 Tent


Active Member
Alright guys so Medicinal grow here as a caretaker. I need to set this up cost effectively but done right. I am getting a 5 x 10 x 7 grow tent and I would like people to comment on where to get certain items cost effectively and good products. I was actually thinking Grodan cubes because you can control the PH factors so easily. Anybody had expieriences? I need to also purchase what else I need besides the cubes in order to set them up? How do those work and are they effective?

I also need light suggestions though and setup advice. I am thinking two lights but need to keep ventilation in mind. What ya think. Please give me ideas from top to bottom.


Active Member
Hi guys. SO no input at all? I want this to be setup right but need some help. Please give me some good ideas. Bump


throw 3x600 watt cool tubed lights, centrifigual fan to pull air, either from out 1 end to the other if your using co2 or from out of a carbon filter, throw it all above a 4x8 agritech tray and buy yourself some arated smart pots and canna coco medium with aqua vega and flores nutrients for the ebb and flow and throw a res underneath with a pump and ebb and flo system. run the pump for 15 min 2 times a day and keep a dehumidifier and a ac unit in there. good luck and i hope this helped. Oh btw just go buy some cinder blocks to stand up the table and buy a big tote bin at the depot or just buy a res.


Active Member
throw 3x600 watt cool tubed lights, centrifigual fan to pull air, either from out 1 end to the other if your using co2 or from out of a carbon filter, throw it all above a 4x8 agritech tray and buy yourself some arated smart pots and canna coco medium with aqua vega and flores nutrients for the ebb and flow and throw a res underneath with a pump and ebb and flo system. run the pump for 15 min 2 times a day and keep a dehumidifier and a ac unit in there. good luck and i hope this helped. Oh btw just go buy some cinder blocks to stand up the table and buy a big tote bin at the depot or just buy a res.
Thanks for someone finally commenting. That really helps and it sounds like a sick setup.

Questions: How many 5 Gallon Smart pots you think I would be fitting in the 4x8 trays?

How do I setup a res underneath these plants in a tray like that. Mind explaining that part a little more? Is there a cheap way to setup the ebb and flow? Know any good websites?

If I hooked all these lights together what would the ductwork coming in from and where does it exit? With that setup do I need Co2 if so whats my other option?
just do two 1000 watts run the ducting totaly sealed through the lights and have a dual thermostat/ humidistat hooked up to another extraction fan. Also use a dehumidifier and if your havin heat isues a portable A/C. The only thing you need then is a Co2 setup because your tent is sealed if you want to go that route

Trich Fiend

New Member
do 2 4x4 trays with separate reservoirs underneath them in the back corners of the tent. then use a 1000w light for each tray. that way you'll have some room to get in between the trays and you'll have room for other equipment like filter and portable a/c units. like the guy said above, do a closed loop for the lighting and that way you don't have to worry about any intakes or exhausts and you can do a sealed room with co2. if you do two tray you can also do a perpetual harvest and get a crop every month instead of every 2 months.