Grow closet ventilation efficiency, exhaust out or back into rooom? intake from room.


Active Member
I have a quick ventilation question. I'm wondering which would be more efficient.

1. Venting scrubbed air outside which will be connected to my exhaust vent for my lights.

2. Venting scrubbed air back into the a/c ed room.

Intake will be vented from a room, which will be a/c ed. This is separate from the venting for my lights.

I'm assuming that it would be more efficient to vent the scrubbed air out... since the scrubbed area will be warmer then a/c ed room temp, which would cause a drop in temp making my a/c work more.

Thanks in advance :).

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
If it don't stink, vent back into your house in general and lower your heating cost during to winter. If it stinks, you want to contain it.
That is what I do. It helps keep the basement warm. Not venting outside removes one tell that "could" be detected by heat cameras.