Grow Box Suggestions


Active Member
Wassup everybody. I'm new to the site and about to start a grow operation in a week or two. The problem is I live in a small 1 bedroom so space is tight and I need something I discreet so friends and relatives don't get nosy.

I thought about doing a PC case, but I think it's too small for the 2 strains I'm gonna try (Hindu Kush, White Widow).

I'm handy with tools so I thought about building a small wooden cabinet, but I worry about 2 things with that:
1) Heat. Wood would hold in heat instead of conducting it to outside like a metal enclosure. Would fans be enough in this situation? (Using CFLs for light)
2) Odor. I'm gonna build a carbon scrubber, but wouldn't the smell permeate out through the wood anyway?

Does anybody have suggestions for a good mid-size enclosure (something between a PC case and a closet)? The only other thing I've come up with so far is a small filing cabinet. Has anyone tried that?

Also just throwing this out there: I'm an electrical engineer, so if anyone needs any wiring advice, drop me a line.


Active Member
A old speaker cabinet works good for me u can get a big one at a thrift store for not that much an just gutt out the inside an cut a few holes an ur good


Active Member
Thanks, y'all. Two really good suggestions. I think I'm going to build the rubbermaid thing if I can't find a big speaker cab. I'll post pics of whatever I end up doing.