Grow 6 Mother Plants Vertically???

LoRd MeGaTR0N31

Well-Known Member
The new place I live in my mothers has to go in a tent thats no higher then 4 feet. So my question is can I vertically grow 6 mothers in 5 gallon buckets using a 600w MH dim to 450w? My plan was to keep the mothers until next grow season (May 20th, 2015) then stick them outdoors and just start 6 new mothers from seed of different strains. I am willing to LST I just need to know if Vertical Grow for mothers will work because with such a short space I feel Vertical growing will be better because I can just surround the bulb with plants.


Well-Known Member
Dude...ain't no way your gonna keep those mothers under 4 foot till 2015. That's 9 month of vegging lol. If you did..and it is possible with lst., but your gonna have some wide ass plants that will over grow that light. Give it a shot cause ya never know unless you try it.


Well-Known Member
with out heavy pruning i dont see it being possible
if your going to prune them hard enough to keep them that short there is no point in running vert
just space them out and whack the tops off when they get over 3' or so
or flip them cut clones during flower and just setup a small box for the clones to establish then veg the monster cropped clones until outdoor time rolls around

LoRd MeGaTR0N31

Well-Known Member
I won't be keeping mothers now I will just be cutting a couple clones from each strain right before 12/12 flip to keep the strains alive until next season. I will be running a perpetual harvest.