Grow #2; FD Power Skunk & the Mystery Seed; (this time it's horticultural)


Greetings to all!
I thought I might share the experience as my new grow unfolds. Last time I only took snaps once my girls were full grown, and felt that i had missed out on chronicling their development.

As I have limited space and budget, my set up is pretty basic. But iIgot good results from last time round in the end. Somewhere between 2 and 3 ounces from the three plants, never weighed it all together as having digital scales is kind of a big risk where I come from, they can mean the difference between being considered "personal" and "distribution", the latter of which I do not intend to engage in. I bloomed them under my CFLs that time, so am thinking using HID this time will improve my yield somewhat.

Just growing 2 plants this time, hopefully it will be a bit less smelly in my flat than last time :-P

I germinated 4 seeds, 2 Flying Dutchman Power Skunk (fem.) and 2 "Mystery Seeds" that the supplier threw in with my order. I couldnt resist the temptation to find out what they will grow up to be!! After 5 days, one of each variety had sprouted so I planted them in the grow room and set my timers rolling. I plan to use LST this time, since i read some amazing journals by Mamath (thx for the great tips mate!) though still not certain whether topping is such a great idea, as I have to keep both plants in the same bucket, so will probably use the "bend them right over" method to save on headroom, whilst avoiding the shock of topping.

Grow system: Water Farm 15L drip & flow.
Medium: Rockwool & clay pebbles.
Veg lights: 2x 125w CFLs (1 red, 1 blue spec.)
Bloom lights: 250w dual-spec HPS & full red-spec for finishing.
Nutes: Canna hydro & "Big Bud" booster for later on :weed:

Feel free to comment, or offer advice. Im kind of new to this so any tips are much appreciated. I attach some snaps of my babies while they are just over a week old. The Power Skunk is on the right and the Mystery seedling on the left. Looking at the leaves i get the feeling this Mystery plant is a Sativa variety as the leaves are very thin compared with the obviously Indica Power Skunk. Also it seems that the Mystery seedling is totally outstripping the other in terms of height and development, which is kinda worrying, what if its a boy?!?! :o

If youve read my post, thanks for taking the time and; Peace in the Middle East! bongsmilie



So now we're closer to 3 weeks along. I'm totally convinced that my mystery plant is either a full Sativa strain or an extremely Sat. dominant hybrid. Check out those razor thin fan leaves!

I've begun training, and for a first-timer I think it's gone pretty well. It's bent right down to the same level as the second node, without any breaks at all. Took me about 4 hours of progressive stretching, but i think it's gonna be comfortable in it's new shape before long :)

I pointed my osci. fan right at them both for several days, in the direction I intended to bend them, so as to give those stems a work out. I think this has definitely helped with the training, giving them stronger main-stems, and accustoming them to bending toward the empty half of the bucket.

The Power Skunk seedling is still lagging way behind, but i expected her to be a bit more stumpy. However, i'm a bit worried about the mottled leaves, even new growth displays these bleached patches. At first I thought perhaps this was a sulfur deficiency brought on by high summer temps, until I left my thermometer in the bucket with them, and found it to be at a safe 84*F (approx.) even at midday. So i'm out of ideas, anyone recognise this discoloration? I would love to know how to help her along. It seems to be affecting the development of the lower side-branches, some are still really small and fluffy - compared with the solid branch development on my other plant.

Anyway, i'm going to wait for the PS to grow a few more inches before I bend her down too. So will probably be able to have them both Vegging horizontally within the next 7 days or so. And then I reckon I'll set them off flowering, don't want these babies to overgrow their room!!

I'm considering topping the Sativa-type after it's had some time to recover from the LST, having read a bit about the additional 'stretch' one can expect from these outdoor types. But not sure whether that might be a shock too many..?

If any of you good folks out there have an opinion, feel free to share it. I'd love some input from fellow growers.



So there's good news & bad news. Been flowering for about a week now, and my lovely big Sativa plant turned out to be a male so i've given him the chop. :(

I'm really pleased with how it responded to training though, and think that LST is definitely a technique i'll use more in future.
I'm posting a couple of pics to give an idea of the canopy arrangement, and there's a nice shot of the stems after they've adjusted to the horizontal shape.

My Power Skunk guurl is still pretty stumpy, but there's enough branch growth to make training worthwhile. And she does seem to like the HPS light, the mottling problem has sorted itself out now, shame it slowed things down so much to start with.
Though, it seems like i messed up the training a bit, now she's pushing up vertical and shading the lower sections.

