grocery shopping


Active Member
Grocery shopping while you're high is a BAD idea.

I spend too much money! :) But it does make for a fun time!:hump:


Active Member
hahaha, good irony. That's so funny though. I seriously will spend like 60$ more when I'm stoned, than when I'm not.


New Member
Geeze I don't want to steal from Seinfeld (aka WHINEFELD) but, even worse is going out to eat stoned. When the meal is done you sit back and look at the check and say to yourself "Why should I have to pay for this? I am full now!"


Well-Known Member
Same deal as going to the grocery store hungry, you spend way too much and buy too much shit you don't need.


Ursus marijanus
Since I don't trust myself to drive while high, I don't have to fight my nature in the store. But I do catch myself thinking "munchies tonight ... do I have chocolate?" cn


Active Member
I wish I got foodstamps! But oh well :) I spend like 100$ a week for my lover and I both. Which isn't too bad in my book.