Greetings from the Northeast USA


Active Member
Call me Spencer.

I'm a lifelong 420 afficionado. Originally from New York, I've lived most of my life just this side of deranged. Now 40 yrs old I only hit the smoke monthly. Still deranged though...hate it when that happens ;0\

So here we grow!

Seedlings began today

Chocolope...6 feminised seeds.

In 14 days:

12 Super Crystals....from a pal.

Going to start a journal, and hope to update weekly.

Best of luck to my fellow human citizens,



Active Member
Hey there Spencer. I'm familiar with your region. It's nice to meet you.

Would love to know how chocolope works out, a lot of weeks away.
I'm similarly starting DNA's sharksbreath. Best of luck to us both.