Greetings, a question about pollinating vegetating plants


Active Member
Suppose there is one L shaped room, with a grow tent that is virtually light proof on the bottom of the L used for flowering, and a separate tent on the top of the L used for vegetating. If a flowering plants pollen got into the vegetating area and came in contact with vegging seedlings/preflowered/mother plants would this create seeds in the future for the females of the vegging area? Even though they are not in flowering yet and to my very limited knowlege of the subject, not capable of sexual reproduction yet?

Please assist me with this question, I have done many searches to no avail.thanks :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Yo only males pollinate so unless ur growing males in ur flowering room no pollen will spread around.:bigjoint:


Active Member
Yo only males pollinate so unless ur growing males in ur flowering room no pollen will spread around.:bigjoint:
thanks for the reply, yes I did not have any males, but sadly I had a hermie that I did not see. It pollinated my crop towards the 9th week, i chopped all my plants down to prevent seeds from forming. But I am still worried if my couple seedlings in my vegetating room will have any seeds in its future, because chances are pollen got into my veg tent as well. so i guess my question is, can 2 week old vegetating plants be pollinated?


Well-Known Member
It can pollinate the little tiny preflowers for like 1 or 2 seeds, but as long as you got rid of the hermie for your next crop you should be just fine.


Active Member
thanks for the reply, the 2 seedlings I have in my vegetating room are feminized seeds that I hope to turn into mothers, once they grow big enough to be cloned, will those clones produce seeds because of the mothers being pollinated as young seedlings? or does it not work that way


Well-Known Member
It doesn't work that way. If the clones have pistils and there is pollen around then you might have a little problem, but it sounds like you have what you need for a seedless crop.