Greenhouse AMS Semi-Balcony Grow


This will be my *counting in head* 4th grow and first LEGAL :)) I picked up 5 AMS feminized from Greenhouse. I didn't choose this strain for a specific reason really I was just overwhelmed by choices and had to make up my mind. I'm originally from the Midwest so I figure if I go back there Anti-Mold genetics will come in handy. I paper toweled three of the little girls setting two aside in case i just absolutely love it. They are currently on day 3, I forgot how much patience this requiressssssssssss. I'll post pics when its worthwhile. I had a perfect white washed closet for them to go into but I was wondering what the opinion was on natural sunlight. I have a nice glassed in balcony that gets about 5-6 hours of direct sunlight a day and plenty of ambient when its not directly hitting it.

1.I guess I am looking for some advice on how much to utilize the balcony if at all. I will be using CFLs when not because HPS and MH are too much of an investment for me right now.

2. My goal is to have them in jars no later than May 20th. That means cutting on the 13-15.
I have exactly 74 days and they are just now 5 days old.
My question is how much can I expect from vegging just two more weeks and then flowering for 60 days?
one week. all the same age. one little baby guy had a rough time sprouting. all they have had is one baby cfl and 5 hours of direct natural light a day.

i included a pic of the balcony.
and a little manala cream that has been getting me through the hard times. ;)

im in need of all the advice i can get.


They are at least keeping consistant. The best one is still the best and doing great. The second one is weird and stretched a little bit too much and the third is a complete an utter failure of a plant but is still growing very slow. I think my temps are falling a bit too low at night but if they can get through the next couple weeks its all sunshine :)
I'm thinking about vegging the crap out of them and just building a small micro box for flowering as many clones as i can pull.



Active Member
they look healthy but a little too stretchy IMO, try keeping the light about 4" from the top or to where you can leave your hand under it and not feel like its burning. I would just angle the light the opposite direction than in your first pic above.
yeah i really need to build something for my cfls.
right now im just keeping it under a 20 watt or something baby cfl when its not in the sun.

ironically enough its been pretty hard for me to find supplies where i live in the netherlands.
Girls are doing well. This is an interesting experiment for me. Last time around I was obsessing over every detail and examining them at least 6 times a day. This time I really have been the laziest gardner known to man. They haven't been on an exact light schedule. I just move them from the desk under a 20 watt cfl to the sun room when i wake up in the morning, and turn off the light before I go to bed. With all this said they are doing pretty damn good for 15 days with a rough start. I think I'm going to flower to and veg out the cripple for a mom. The one on the left is 2nd best and still has a bit of yellowing and curling. Ive heard this is pretty normal for AMS but I wish she was as pretty as her sister on the right. Im thinking about transplating to 3 or 4 liter pots in a couple days.



mate if you want my honest opinion id say even though you say its legal i would avoid the balcony besides a more consantrated light in a cupboard would help your plants really you still dont want everybody knowing your bizness and ringin the babylon and you think your plants are stretching bad now if you leave them in that balcony with no light the gonna stretch like shit and you probely get about 4 grams dryed of each plant are the lights you using a dual spectrum if they arent you need to get a red spec for budding and remember keep them lights as close as you can with out burning the plants and you might even wanna try toppin them if they are not already to far gone hope this advice helps a little peace out
mate if you want my honest opinion id say even though you say its legal i would avoid the balcony besides a more consantrated light in a cupboard would help your plants really you still dont want everybody knowing your bizness and ringin the babylon and you think your plants are stretching bad now if you leave them in that balcony with no light the gonna stretch like shit and you probely get about 4 grams dryed of each plant are the lights you using a dual spectrum if they arent you need to get a red spec for budding and remember keep them lights as close as you can with out burning the plants and you might even wanna try toppin them if they are not already to far gone hope this advice helps a little peace out
i just topped them a couple days ago. They are about 10-12 inches tall now and I transplanted to slightly larger pots.
im having major problems with lighting. im used to just running into the walmart and picking up everything i need to build pretty nice cfl setups. NO WALMARTS Holland-thank god! but it does make it more difficult to find cheap lighting for me.

ehhh im still leaning towards keeping them balconized and just praying for sun.
this is more of a fun house plant grow anyway than an actual attempt to produce weight.


i just topped them a couple days ago. They are about 10-12 inches tall now and I transplanted to slightly larger pots.
im having major problems with lighting. im used to just running into the walmart and picking up everything i need to build pretty nice cfl setups. NO WALMARTS Holland-thank god! but it does make it more difficult to find cheap lighting for me.

ehhh im still leaning towards keeping them balconized and just praying for sun.
this is more of a fun house plant grow anyway than an actual attempt to produce weight.
what if i could help you find some where in holland you could order from got a few friends that live in holland maybe they can help :blsmoke:
i really appreciate the help nathanshair

unfortunately i overstayed my visa *rant* and must head back to the states.

part of me is sad that i won't get to try the AMS before I leave. ( out of the 40 plus shops ive visited in the netherlans ive never seen the strain available for purchase)

however in the spirit of passing on the torch im just going to give them to a dutch friend with a balcony and a nice camera and hes gonna hook me up with update photos.

they were under 1212 for a week and really started speeding up but i chopped off all their naughty parts and now they are just bushing out for the newbie.

i hope he dosent kill them but im too excited for a good old guerrilla grow in uncle sams heartland to care :)


i really appreciate the help nathanshair

unfortunately i overstayed my visa *rant* and must head back to the states.

part of me is sad that i won't get to try the AMS before I leave. ( out of the 40 plus shops ive visited in the netherlans ive never seen the strain available for purchase)

however in the spirit of passing on the torch im just going to give them to a dutch friend with a balcony and a nice camera and hes gonna hook me up with update photos.

they were under 1212 for a week and really started speeding up but i chopped off all their naughty parts and now they are just bushing out for the newbie.

i hope he dosent kill them but im too excited for a good old guerrilla grow in uncle sams heartland to care :)
ah gutted mate its sad when you have to leave a plant that you really want the police where knocking on my door once and i shit it and tore my plants down when they were 4 WEEKS into bud and when i finally answered the door they asked me if i had seen anybody steal my next door neighbours push bike its poop:cuss: