Green Water?


I'm about a week into my first grow and i'm using a stealth hydrokit. I just started putting my nutes in yesterday and changed my ph a little bit and my water is now green. Is this because of my nutes or ph down OR does my water have algae?


let me also add that i do not have a cup over my rocks to prevent light from coming in. Im about to make something right now to cover it just in case.


Active Member
I'm about a week into my first grow and i'm using a stealth hydrokit. I just started putting my nutes in yesterday and changed my ph a little bit and my water is now green. Is this because of my nutes or ph down OR does my water have algae?
Stealth Hydro Grow nutes tint the water slightly green, i'm assuming thats what your using


Well-Known Member
could be ure nutes as stated above^.,but as u said get the light leaks taken care of because light touching the water will give u 99 problems.,.,keep it growing


Elite Rolling Society
It takes a week or two to grow algae. The GROW nutes do give the water a green tint. The BLOOM nutes tint it pink.

Are you going to be posting pics?


Well-Known Member
dude sounds like your letting light get to the water ( giving prime life to algea ect) chang eyour water more regulary , add a air bubbler + pump to the res to keep it oxegenated and give that res a stir once in a while?