Green house seeds co powder feed ( do not use! )

Hi all !, just to give you guys some info on the green house seed powder feed - I am a advanced nutrients user and have been for many years, I saw this at my local grow shop and thought to my self " great a nutrients company have made a all in one feed !" Man I was so wrong! The powder feed nearly wiped out my plants - I had slower overall growth, my node interface was small and also lacking key nutrients. I decided to discontinue the green house seeds feed - the reasons are, I believe it's caused more problems then good ! My plants were really unhappy with me feeding that to them, since changing over to my normal nutrient regime ( advanced nutrients ) my plants are now very very healthy with 100% more noticeable growth. My opinion on the green house seeds co feed is to stay clear away from it ! I won't be using it again I've thrown them in the garbage.
Peace :)