Gravity Flower Hardener

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
My buddies down at the Hydro store tell me that Gravity works pretty much the same as Over-Drive. I hope it works better then that for the money it cost. $35 for 8 OZ's.

I am thinking of buying the Purple Max for my Clopnes I just drop into flowering cycle a week ago. I have heard good things about this also. But I am still going to go very, very slow with anything from Humbolt's product line.

Peace you guys and good growing.


Well-Known Member
Hey, do a search on my name, and thenb put in Bush master. That shit burnt the hell out of my plants also. I have photots also. talk about claweds leafs......

But from what I have learned, if you start at like 20% stength and build it does wonders. But to hell with that.

but MAX and gravity.. of Humbolt I have heard great things about. I just bought the Gravity. OH YAH!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have heard great things about this stuff.

we will see.
Im done using chem ferts. I have a full bottle of bushmaster that I'll never use again, some gravity and all those fox farm Nutes. I have an unopened bottle of purple maxx that I'll keep since its 100% organic. But untill I can make my own soil and teas its store bought organic nutes for now.
And another question, How did your plants recover from the burn and how was the weed?

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Im done using chem ferts. I have a full bottle of bushmaster that I'll never use again, some gravity and all those fox farm Nutes. I have an unopened bottle of purple maxx that I'll keep since its 100% organic. But untill I can make my own soil and teas its store bought organic nutes for now.
And another question, How did your plants recover from the burn and how was the weed?
They never really recovered. They did finish out with some nice sized Shit BUDS. I bagged it up and handed it out to friends. They loved it. people love anything for free. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Im using the Gravity in a soil grow and it is very strong.My friend owns a hydro store and sent me the Gravity and Purple max for free.I mixed the Gravity 2x the reccomended dose by accident came back in about 1 hr and the leaves were at a 45 degree angle towards the lights,i did a res change and saved em.Didnt have enough for the hydro so tried it in my soil grow and am very pleased.Heres some pics at that time they were 47 days old and 25 flowering.


Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
SHIT BUDS!? was the strain shitty? Explain what happened.
I talked to my buddy at the Hydro store about how I was tired of big ass plants pushing my lights into my ceiling. He suggested I use BUSHMASTER. I can not remember what they recommend for doseage, I think it was 2-7 ML per gallon or something. I mixxed it at about 4 ML per gallon. I figured that was a safe dose. The next day when I checked on my plants all of the leafs were claw toed. I did a flush, but they kept burning more and more. After a few days it stopped getting worse, but the plant never really recovered totally. Now this is not to say that Bushmaster is not a good product. But I would start out at a very low dose and work my way up very slowly.

With most other Nuts and such, if i over Dose them, I just do a quick flush and they pop right back. I must have really burnt the hell out of those plants. Maybe somehow I messed up on my measurements, not sure that was about 10 months ago.

I should be getting my bottle of gravity in the mail in the next few days. I figure I will start at about 20% strength on this product also.


Well-Known Member
Fuck! I think both of the plants I fed the BushMaster too are starting to turn herm. I guess using that shit with fem seeds is no good. A nice way to waste $35 and fuck your plants up at the same time.
But the other plant I fed it too has some clawing of course but doesnt look all fucked up. What kind of weed is this going to give me? I know you mentioned shit weed so Im just curious.


Active Member
My local grow store is reccomending Gravity flower hardener. Can anyone tell me if it works good or not?
Meloyelo It's the same marketing ploy used by every company " Buy my stuff and bam... nugs so big you'll need a truck to carry them. All for just $ 49.95 plus tax, but it's a DEAL." Call me cheap, my first husband taught me to grow cheaply. If you want more yield, save your dough and just plant two or three more plants. It's cheaper than all these magic snake oils. The reason the instructions have to be followed to the T, are because the stuff is so ramped up, it's near toxic for your plant. I watched a friend, spent $ 300 last grow on every expensive nute and add in he could find. In the end, he killed three plants from toxic levels of nutes in his soil. Black Widow Love. Bam, Yield gone straight to Hell and a bunch of money wasted. A few more plants would have been better.


Well-Known Member
Ive used alot of additives before but the GRAVITY does work,its the only one that i have seen do what it says.If you have not used it dont put it down just because someone else didnt have any luck,im speaking of the results i have not someone else grow.... I do agree alot is marketing but GRAVITY does work and ill use it in every GROW.Ive never had buds that big 25 days flowering before usung it.i averaged 1 oz per plant on those and only vegged em 21 days.OI ,i tottaly disagree with what you said.Its about yield in x amount of space.IM doing a perpectual harvest and am limited to 16 plants,after alot of research and additives GRAVITY wins hands down.BUY IT for sure.what i was sent was free so ill be buying it what he sent me was from humboldts line of nutes.

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
all of those products are very concentrated. i got some free samples a while back. a friend told me to be very careful with them. i believe i used 1 ml. per gallon of bushmaster. shit works right now. i also heard that these will bond with your medium and be there for the next grow if you re-use.

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
Never reuse medium.............Whether soil are rapid rooter,grodan,etc ,etc,
why not??? i get three runs with my coco. $30 plus dollars a bag, there's no way in hell i'm throwing it out after one use. and of course you're not gonna re-use rapid rooters/cubes.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Alrighty then usem.

hahaha, I understand where you are coming from there. I would hate to reuse a medium, just to introduce a bug or something to my new grow, from useing old COCO or Fox Farm or something. But still it is costly to rebuy the bags over and over. I remember my mother used to have an oven out in the garage just for cooking soil at 150 degrees to kill crap in it before she used it.


Well-Known Member
seen this stuff before and it interested me, sounds good. is it 100% natural/organic?
This is my first post, hello everyone.

Not to burst everyone's bubble, but Gravity isn't organic.

I read an article describing the ingredients and it's mostly heavy metals, like iron.

Cannabis is good at cleaning the soil and taking out metal deposits, hence gravity adding weight to the plants.

I used it once, and did notice heavier buds, not big enough a difference to brag about.

I also noticed my buds burned not so great. The bowl had a black burnt coal, like chemi weed, I call them rockets, but i dont know if thats what everyone calls them.

Never used it after that, and read the article probably a year after I used it, I think it was in High Times, after it was product of the year there was a lot of independant research that didn't like the ingredients.

It does make your buds heavier, so commercial interest might be good, but I, personally like to keep my weed organic, Gravity makes me think of Chernobyl.

I'm going to start a grow journal, that's the reason I joined, I hope you all will swing by once I get it up and running. I'm cleaning up the basement, should be started in a couple days!

Cheers! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
hahaha, I understand where you are coming from there. I would hate to reuse a medium, just to introduce a bug or something to my new grow, from useing old COCO or Fox Farm or something. But still it is costly to rebuy the bags over and over. I remember my mother used to have an oven out in the garage just for cooking soil at 150 degrees to kill crap in it before she used it.
I reuse my soil for three harvests, is a perlite/sphagnum moss mix. I just flush it really well with final phase and then lots of plain water, break it up and replant.

The oven idea is interesting, you could sterilize the soil, but any active beneficial bacterial of fungal colonies would be killed in the process.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Smoking metal.... Brings me back to the old days in high school when a coke can was an acceptable pipe :dunce:
Most everything in life needs trace metals to live. Even the human body.
I just recieved my bottle of gravity today. It says it only has Kelp Extract and vitamin B-1 in it. But how can I tell what is in a bowl of grape nuts for sure?