Gravel, Straw, Hay, wood chips?


Hey peeps was wondering if anyone knew of something that I could layer over the whole dirt floor of my greenhouse? Im looking for something that would naturally suppress weeds from growing in the rich soil and something that also wouldnt have any effect on the dirts pH or anything like that. Ive seen in bigger grows guys layer the whole ground with redwood chips and stuff. I have also seen the big norcal guys stuff straw over the topsoil of their smartpots to keep the soil moist and cool on top and I plan on doing that for the top of my holes filled with soil mix, but what do you guys think is the safest to use and would stop weeds from growing around the big holes? I would do gravel but it seems like it would be expensive. Thanks- Xain


Well-Known Member
Hey man, do what so many vegetable gardeners have done for years.. Newspaper, in two to three sheet layers. Poke holes in it for water drainage with a knife, weeds won't come through. Then, if you don't like the way that LOOKS, then you could add straw or hay on top of that.


Well-Known Member
If you want to go the wood chip way, then check with your city, they often have mulch for the public for free--you just gotta go get it.


Thanks for the advice Owl, Ive heard of the newspaper thing but when I read the newspaper the ink get all over my hands and something about that fucks with me lol so I wouldnt want to use that. Im definitely going to cover my big holes(plant holes) with stray or hay, wondering which one exactly is it that I always see in the smartpots of the norcal guys? also when watering over the straw or hay into my soil, will it have any effect on my soils pH or anything like that? does straw/hay have nutrients that can go into the soil? cuz I dont want that. The rest of the surrounding dirt I want to just layer something pretty(yes i know sounds lame) that will suppress weeds and not attract insects lol


I may very well use the weed barrier for the areas surrounding the holes and call it a day lol not as pretty as some wood chips though. Im gonna go check some big outdoor threads at ICmag and see exactly what those dudes use as the topsoil cover and also if its void of nutrients, the goal for me is keeping heat stress down and suppressing weeds. I remember them saying it keeps the soil moist and cool on top.


i use clean mulching straw in my veggie garden. mulching straw has alot less seeds than hay.
So the seeds in the hay can potentially germinate and grow right? especially sitting on top of some supersoil basically lol wouldnt want that, but the mulching straw sounds good ill look into that.


Well-Known Member
If its just a matter of not having any weed competition with your weed, then sprinkle corn meal around your planting spots after you plant. It's a pre-emergent, meaning it will stop things from germinating. Won't supplement the soil. You shouldn't have weeds for the season.