Grassy Smell Still


Well-Known Member
imo drying too fast is what locks in the chlorophyll. A long cure will fix this, but if dried at a good rate (i pull air past hanging plants instead of directly using a fan on the drying box) then stuff is smokeable, but still green before cure. curing gives it the goldish tinge we want and i usually just take a little before the cure, to "sample" it.
then it gets jarred and the moisture comes back and you have a hard time getting it into cure zone~ this is when a hygrometer comes into play
also sometimes dry areas will make your shit dry faster; if this is the case consider building a controlled dry room

I do the whole hang dry and trim fans off ~ 5 days into it. they usually make it to day 12 where i trim off sugar leaves then jar. maybe 2-3 days not even of burping and then they get cured