Got someone staying with me who's getting off of meth.


Well-Known Member
Blaze together and hangout or give him stuff to do. If he sits around being bored he's gonna think about meth more.

Yea I guess this is replacing a drug with another 'drug' but weed is soooooo much easier to stop. No physical withdrawals.


Well-Known Member
Blaze together and hangout or give him stuff to do. If he sits around being bored he's gonna think about meth more.

Yea I guess this is replacing a drug with another 'drug' but weed is soooooo much easier to stop. No physical withdrawals.
That's some good advice. Keeping your mind busy is the best thing you can do.


Well-Known Member
the last day i did meth was the day before the first day i got my medical card. pot saved my life. that is all.


Well-Known Member
How long has your brother been using.....whats his daily habit..1/4 gram....1/2 gram...1 gram.....These are important questions.....was he snorting, smoking...shooting up


Active Member
It could help. It could backfire, too though. He might start craving stronger highs again. I mean, going from spinning to just being high is kind of a step down. I guess it depends on how badly he wants to get off of it.

A lot of times when Im high I find myself thinking "I could be so much more fucked off than this right now" and its ridiculously appealing to fall back into old habits. But hey, to be fair, I havent yet. So maybe it could work for him.


Well-Known Member
3 years and $100=sixteenth of an ounce a week is definitely long enough to forget what it's like to get through daily life on the energy that normal folks live with.....what I mean is, when you wake up tomorrow you will need a few minutes to wake up....maybe a bit groggy for half hour to 45 minutes and then your awake....maybe a cup of coffee to hype yourself up a bit....thats what your used to, mentally, physically.....every day same thing.....same energy to get through the day.....on a scale of ten, some days may be a 7 and others a 10...............A meth addict wakes up and smokes a bowl/snorts a line and has an energy level on a scale of ten peaking at about 50....yes that's fifty.....whenever you get tired you just smoke another bowl and bam your up to fifty a $100 bucks a week you can stay at 50 indefinitely.....When you stay at level 50 for 3 years and quit, A meth addict has to struggle through each day trying to get by with life's natural energy level of 7-10......This is a key point that non addicts don't understand.....It takes a long time to forget what an energy level of 50 feels like.....Meanwhile, mentally your brother will feel like he's dragging.....It's a very long process....It' takes years.....6 months from now your brother will still be thinking almost daily about speed and still vividly remember what level 50 energy feels like.....ultimately it's a battle he must face internally by himself.......3 years later for me and I still have weak thoughts about how good it would feel to do a much shit I could get done....especially on a level 5 energy day when I got shit to get done.....Like yesterday I remember level will he


Well-Known Member
Boone is a tight place i always get hella good weed when i go there

i personally dont know much about meth but had a room mate once who was addited to herion scary shit

if you've ever seen the move "trainspotting" im guseing do what happened to him

[when they locked him in a room when his with draws got bad]


Well-Known Member
yo, you can even take him to a nice local hospital and he can pretend like he's suicidal.

they'll put him up in a cush ass bed with a tv and 3 good meals, theres hot chicks that come in all the time.

psych wards are perfect for comming off drugs, cuz you're in there for about a week and you are under medical attention with vital checks every few hours.

that's how i got off oxys.


Active Member
3 years and $100=sixteenth of an ounce a week is definitely long enough to forget what it's like to get through daily life on the energy that normal folks live with.....what I mean is, when you wake up tomorrow you will need a few minutes to wake up....maybe a bit groggy for half hour to 45 minutes and then your awake....maybe a cup of coffee to hype yourself up a bit....thats what your used to, mentally, physically.....every day same thing.....same energy to get through the day.....on a scale of ten, some days may be a 7 and others a 10...............A meth addict wakes up and smokes a bowl/snorts a line and has an energy level on a scale of ten peaking at about 50....yes that's fifty.....whenever you get tired you just smoke another bowl and bam your up to fifty a $100 bucks a week you can stay at 50 indefinitely.....When you stay at level 50 for 3 years and quit, A meth addict has to struggle through each day trying to get by with life's natural energy level of 7-10......This is a key point that non addicts don't understand.....It takes a long time to forget what an energy level of 50 feels like.....Meanwhile, mentally your brother will feel like he's dragging.....It's a very long process....It' takes years.....6 months from now your brother will still be thinking almost daily about speed and still vividly remember what level 50 energy feels like.....ultimately it's a battle he must face internally by himself.......3 years later for me and I still have weak thoughts about how good it would feel to do a much shit I could get done....especially on a level 5 energy day when I got shit to get done.....Like yesterday I remember level will he
Hey, thanks..I wanted to know more about what he's going through and this helps me a lot. And it's good that you've stayed strong..that's awesome.


Active Member
It could help. It could backfire, too though. He might start craving stronger highs again. I mean, going from spinning to just being high is kind of a step down. I guess it depends on how badly he wants to get off of it.

A lot of times when Im high I find myself thinking "I could be so much more fucked off than this right now" and its ridiculously appealing to fall back into old habits. But hey, to be fair, I havent yet. So maybe it could work for him.
Yeah I was thinking that too. He's on his first day crashing today. I think he's been off of it for 36 hours maybe. I just hate seeing him go through it. I want to do more..I've been feeding him anything he asks for. Not sure what else to do, so I'm just holding this in case he wants it..if he's feeling pain from coming down. I don't know what it's like..I've come off of cocaine, but never this..and never dealt with long term use myself.


Well-Known Member
Honestly I doubt replacing one drug with another is going to be helpful. Drug addicts trying to quit need to get all drugs out of their system. I get where you are going with the trying to help him be mello and alleviate the pains of withdrawal ... but honestly... I think he needs to FEEL THE PAIN of withdrawal. Make it too easy and he's gonna think... "hey... easy... I can do it and just smoke weed if I need to quit for a bit". See where I'm going with this?

Don't get me wrong... I love weed and I know it's benefits... but I just don't think hard core drug withdrawal is the best application for marijuana... or any other drug.

I don't believe marijuana is a "gateway" drug to use of harder drugs.... and I don't believe it's a "reverse gateway" drug to get OFF of harder drugs either.

Just my 2 cents for what it's worth.

Best of luck to you and your brother
:hump:right on man (mam). your little brother needs to clear his head. stay away from everything for a while. i am sure many can work it out in there own way. some take longer than others. i thought i could go back to smoking weed about 3 month after 30 days locked up that cost me about $10,000. that running around looking for weed, and trying to find the best deal reminded me to much of chasing that other shit. was about a year before i was comfortable, and felt in control enough to light up. now i get stressed which is a big trigger for me, weed dose the trick.

you want to do him a favor get him the book rational recovery by jack trimpey. none of that shit about havening a disease, and being addict for the rest of his life. no 12 steps bullshit. no sitting listening to a bunch of people sitting in a room talking about what they used to do when they got high. hell that shit alone made me want to go get high. thats just my opinion.


Active Member
:hump:right on man (mam). your little brother needs to clear his head. stay away from everything for a while. i am sure many can work it out in there own way. some take longer than others. i thought i could go back to smoking weed about 3 month after 30 days locked up that cost me about $10,000. that running around looking for weed, and trying to find the best deal reminded me to much of chasing that other shit. was about a year before i was comfortable, and felt in control enough to light up. now i get stressed which is a big trigger for me, weed dose the trick.

you want to do him a favor get him the book rational recovery by jack trimpey. none of that shit about havening a disease, and being addict for the rest of his life. no 12 steps bullshit. no sitting listening to a bunch of people sitting in a room talking about what they used to do when they got high. hell that shit alone made me want to go get high. thats just my opinion.
Thanks.. NA didn't work for me either. But, thanks for the tips..I need all the info I can get.


Active Member
:hump:right on man (mam). your little brother needs to clear his head. stay away from everything for a while. i am sure many can work it out in there own way. some take longer than others. i thought i could go back to smoking weed about 3 month after 30 days locked up that cost me about $10,000. that running around looking for weed, and trying to find the best deal reminded me to much of chasing that other shit. was about a year before i was comfortable, and felt in control enough to light up. now i get stressed which is a big trigger for me, weed dose the trick.

you want to do him a favor get him the book rational recovery by jack trimpey. none of that shit about havening a disease, and being addict for the rest of his life. no 12 steps bullshit. no sitting listening to a bunch of people sitting in a room talking about what they used to do when they got high. hell that shit alone made me want to go get high. thats just my opinion.
In fact, rehab didn't even work for me, but that's a whole different subject I'd go off on. I just don't agree with their methods..but if it works for some, then good.


Well-Known Member
withdrawl is a bitch...went threw that a couple times myself (yeah... i never learned)...the worst is the restlessness (cant be comfortable no matter what you do) that and its super hard to fall asleep...........suboxone saved my life (its two chemicals that mix together that replicate opiates) they give it to herion addicts origionally to get off of shit... but i kno for a fact that it would take away 75% of his pill last me four days split it up into quarters....not to get fucked up but to feel good enough to get threw your im glad im over that shit!!! still crave oxys n morphine like a mother fucker tho but no sickness

when you feel very restless from withdrawl weed actually intensify's that feeling

but becareful that shit is very very dangerous mixed with any type of drug ....

oh and yeah its true you cant trust an addict ....they do whatever they can to help their addiction weather its stealing from parents or even brothers but u have to understand its the addiction that makes them do this not the person themself....

hope this helps