Got my clones today!


Well-Known Member
You did this today? There just shocked a little. They will pop right out of it and fast. Keep them in 6 hrs of dark after transplant then easy on the lights for the first day or two. They look fine. Way Normal.
Enjoy your grow!


Active Member
cool thanks bud! the only thing is they are outdoors they will get no light for 9hrs but they will be in full sunlight tomorrow all day. should i just keep the soil moist? or will that fuck my roots?


Active Member
planted two of my clones today. hope everything goes well. what are the pros and cons of planting them in a swamp area?? i saw a great stop today but was not sure if it is a good idea or not? let me know what u think?


Well-Known Member
if your going to try this build a mound of dirt out of the swampy area so that the roots dont drownd
but the swamp will still water the plant when needed, i cant garntee it will be great tasting bud, but yeh never know !
good luck with it!


Well-Known Member
by the way what strain of clones are thos? they look alot like my unknown mother plant.