GOP 3rd ranking house member addressed white supremacists


Well-Known Member
Calling those who disagree with them "stupid" or "retard"is the go-to defense of their positions. That and a layer of half-truths and out right lies they just keep re-posting. It's an organized campaign. As a registered Democrat, I get the talking point emails all the time. Ever watch the news ticker on MSNBC? They have a steady stream of partisan lies scrolling across the screen all day from "the viewing public". The network can't say these things because they would be sued for libel, so they use this ploy to spread their hate speech. People believe their shit because they want to blame their failures on "the man". This is the major flaw with Democracy. The majority of people are idiots and we let the idiots make the decisions.
i literally have screenshots of you reeling off three lies in a row to support your agenda in a thread about gun control.

you even put me on ignore simply for calling out your lies repeatedly.

you are a coward.


Well-Known Member
Only because he hasn't done nothing unconstitutional.
Are you really trying to equate anything Obama has done with profiting off of dead Americans
and costing us over a trillion dollars?

You have brain damage?
Some will die under Obamacare that wouldn't have otherwise and its costing over a trillion dollars


Well-Known Member
Cheney and crew lied to congress about what was going on and the threat Iraq posed. Cheney would never be put on trial because of people like you.
Obama lied to EVERYBODY. Obama would never be put on trial because of people like you.


Well-Known Member
I know for fact he lied. Again what branch of the military did you serve? How many tours did you do? Have you ever seen a mustard gas attack ? Who are you ?
Seems like a strange set of questions to be asking someone. Almost hostile. ..Hmmmm.........


Well-Known Member
Maybe some only see what they they want to see. "God Damn America" is hard to misinterpret.
I only deployed twice to Iraq Red. Both times I got to see my brothers and sisters in arms mutilated. I fully understand what Damn American means.

As a vet who lost no less then five friends to the Iraq and Afghanistan wars I fully understand the sacrifices that have been made.

God Damn that America. I fully damn the America that foolishly and blindly hurtles itself into unnecessary conflict. I fully damn the America that allows money to so fully corrupt its political system and thereby ultimately mistreat it's citizens. I damn an America where people cannot say 'damn America.'

The preacher was demonstration precisely what I just did, his right to fully oppose and dislike the terrible past that this nation has taken part of. As a preacher I suspect he also believes that this nation could be saved somehow, he pointed towards some very specific things that his God would indeed according the the Christian bible, endorse.

He was not in any way making any anti-white or even anti american statements, he was satirizing America as a character, a simulacrum, to focus on how we must improve ourselves. If you take any sort of bigoted or racist comments from that entire portion you have projected them. There is nothing of the sort there, just a preacher discussing how governments wrong their people and how the status quo is sometimes (many times) upheld long after common sense dictates things should have changed.


Don't be emotional, listen to his speech and then actually make a call.


Well-Known Member
Well, I guess "God Damn America" isn't that hard to misinterpret.
Remember that I am not attacking you Red, we are having a discussion. I mean you no harm or ill will, really. I don't mean to be rude or in any way pushy, I really want to have this discussion if you are up for it


Well-Known Member
It's 3:56 AM. The neighbors finally quit setting off fireworks. (I hope) So I'm off to bed. When I hear someone say "God damn America", I am personally offended. I don't need no psycho-babble to "understand" it.


Well-Known Member
Remember that I am not attacking you Red, we are having a discussion. I mean you no harm or ill will, really. I don't mean to be rude or in any way pushy, I really want to have this discussion if you are up for it
this is exactly how i started off with him too. anyone can check the post history and see that i tried to reason with the psychopath that is red. you tried.

red is hopeless.


Well-Known Member
Noticed the name calling seems heartfelt in many posts. I would suggest those that do name call, move their insults from the last sentence in their post to the first, and with an adj. or 2 a mere dumbass could become a dry-gulchin idiot. Lifting to the whole site, I believe.