Google Earth 5.0


Well-Known Member
thnx fdd i am just gona dl it now, gona cruise around the world.. with my spliff.

ahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i want to see the rain coming along, hey fdd did u ever get the chance to dl nasa wind... or whatever its called, u can dl all storms and earthquakes and shit like that, and play them off ... like catrina.. u can watch it go crazy...

its pretty interesting... cheers


just downloaded it, pretty neat stuff... i like mars ^^

crash landing of the usa 1999... 2001 they finally made it :)

hahaha.... funny stuff.... amazing planet, great pics....


New Member
No street view of where I live, I can't find this menu for ocean view either. I have earth, sky, mars. I tried to search "ocean" but only got towns with ocean in the name.

I can't even zoom on my town, it just gets fuzzy......... :( I wanted to see my yard, it's a warm weather photo, I miss my flowers........


Well-Known Member
No street view of where I live, I can't find this menu for ocean view either. I have earth, sky, mars. I tried to search "ocean" but only got towns with ocean in the name.

I can't even zoom on my town, it just gets fuzzy......... :( I wanted to see my yard, it's a warm weather photo, I miss my flowers........
Miss try google maps. I can't zoom in on my home in google earth, but, on google maps I can! maps


New Member
They don't have zoom imagery for this region. Good to know, nobody zooming in on the plants I intend to hide in the back yard this summer.

Got the ocean thing figured out finally, I couldn't see the layers box because the locations box was too long. I was getting kind of pissed there for a second, bongsmilie......chillin, chillin, chillin........ :mrgreen:


New Member
Yes, I just downloaded the new one last night. I knew my house would be in a location that you couldn't zoom. I just wanted to be sure.


New Member
and it makes it easy to tell who is citified. Us country folks can't zoom on our homes. I can't even zoom to street level on my town. LOL


Well-Known Member
Looks like the new 5.0 version has lower resolution than the older version. I am looking at a couple of places that used to be really detailed and that is no longer the case.


New Member
Looks like the new 5.0 version has lower resolution than the older version. I am looking at a couple of places that used to be really detailed and that is no longer the case.
prolly cuz they added more stuff and chose to sacrifice res. I still say google maps is the best for seeing houses etc.. google earth is just cool as hell how u can see the whole planet and zoom in w/out stopping.. But for local stuff at high res google maps is still best.


Well-Known Member
JAT, yes on the Google maps. You can get a street level view of most homes that is photo quality. I even found abandoned shops and things I used to see in the midwest that have been photo'd on there. Blows me away how much of the country that they are used.


New Member
I know.. it still amazes me.. sometimes I start at my house on google maps and just "walk" for miles and miles.. its freaking awesome..


Well-Known Member
Looks like the new 5.0 version has lower resolution than the older version. I am looking at a couple of places that used to be really detailed and that is no longer the case.
i can see 10 times clearer in my backyard. it used to just be a blur, i can see my cat in the driveway now. :bigjoint: