Good outdoor strain for northern New England?


Active Member
I'm thinking ahead to next year. What is the strain that best fits these requirements:1) High Yield.2) High Potency.3) Finishes outdoors by October 1st (most important).Thanks everyone!


Well-Known Member
i could suggest northean lights .. the potency and yeild is very good but could finish a tad later than you expect.


Active Member
I found a strain from Paradise Seeds called "Rox" that finishes outside in mid-September which would be perfect. Anyone have experience with this strain?


Well-Known Member
Early Misty -- Nirvana 6-7wks flowering time.

Actually nirvana has a couple 'early' strains that should fit your situation well.

...first post of the day, happy saturday everyone!


Well-Known Member
what part of new england brotha?sativas wont work up here,they will get frost bit before finishing,try a primarilly indica base plant


Well-Known Member
So far I'm impressed with Durban Poison..It has nickle size buds on it all ready and my other strains are just starting to show sex..


Well-Known Member
durb pois is a nice strain,the cats love them cus they smell and taste good,beware the cats wil eat that strain b4 it really grows


Well-Known Member
Jumbo Grizzly - Kootney mountain seed Co.... .5-1.5 LBS/Plant (based on organic soil, minimal added nutrients)...i first ran into this BIG muthaf***a about 2 years ago when i seen my first harvest (a dealer buddy of mine), and ever since them i've wanted to make a major grow, im thinking of getting a seedpack and just letting them pollinate :D.
*harvest in late september

durb pois is a nice strain,the cats love them cus they smell and taste good,beware the cats wil eat that strain b4 it really grows
WOW, that is very, very good to know. i was goind to pick up a DP seedpack for next year (seeing as its gotten 95%~ on reviews)....but not knowing that.... the area i grow in has like 20~ feral cats (i dont know for sure, cant realy count them)
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Well-Known Member
dont get skunk or any skunk variety either,or something similar,get something with a fruity smell and taste and the cats will not touch it


Well-Known Member
yea, i've been wondering about that.....i almost shot one of the fuckers with my bow because he was in my garden.....i dont know what he was doing because there is no damage.....i just hope they dident spray....

Thank you for that valuable info wackymack.


Active Member
an growing in ireland so climate much the same last two years used big bud yield very very good smoke is reasonable high quaility here are some pic of this years grow



Well-Known Member
an growing in ireland so climate much the same last two years used big bud yield very very good smoke is reasonable high quaility here are some pic of this years grow
your lab is bitch better come in my yard unless if its a bitch(pun intended)


Active Member
I grew Early Bud last year, and Early girl this time. Early Misty is definitely on my list for next year.

For camo and ease I would suggest and early finishing indica. Anything with 8 weeks and less flowering is perfect.

Be warned though. Big bud strains are hard with the wind and rain of late summer, I have had lots of repair work in the past. Keep it low and in a well drained area and you should be good to go