good movies...


Well-Known Member
I'm about get stoned and I wanna watch a movie...any suggestions for a good movie to watch? I don't really have anything to do here except watch a movie.


Well-Known Member
your goin to die when u wath parents,even if u seen it before,its just one of those good funny movies all around every time


Well-Known Member
your goin to die when u wath parents,even if u seen it before,its just one of those good funny movies all around every time
awesome. that's the movie I'm watching. never seen it before, only meet the fockers. I would +rep you but I've spread too much around already. I'll get back to you tomorrow though. I promise haha.


Well-Known Member
alright...I would be watching meet the parents, but I got too caught up making an ash-catcher for a grav/waterfall/steamroller....pretty innovative of me for the state I'm in now...does everyone get like this man?