Good Microscope?


Active Member
What microscope are you guys using? Wanna order one online tonight, just looking for recommendations.


New Member
I bought mine from radio shack 60 x 100x microscope.... but I never use it lol I always harvest when I think the buds are done swelling...


Well-Known Member
NEW reccomendation for everyone. Check out the smarttools app on the android market. Ill never use my scopes/magnifying glasses again. Turn the app on pick the magnifier, press the button that turns on the light, zoom in and hit the autofocus...enjoy its amazing, zooms in better than my womans $700 camera with macro lens did.


Well-Known Member
I just wish I had found it before buying 4 different scopes or magnifiers.... woulda saved me a ton of money time and hassle..not to mention the pictures are so much better