Good looking plant, and not so good looking plant


Active Member
So I am new to, and have read a lot of posts here. Kind of inspired me to get my own little plant going and I have the initial results.

My first plant that I started from a germinated seed (only one that popped open for me actually) has been going fairly strong. It's grown rather stout at the base and put out some really decent fan leaves that I trimmed off. Got advice from a friend on that, not sure if it was the right thing to do or not.

Those are of the good plant, not exactly the best quality pics, but I'm not a good picture taker. I can try again if you need better angles or whatever.

Is there anything wrong with it that yall see? it's been growing for about 3 months and I plan to keep it going as a possible mother (once I sex it). I'll take any advice you got for it :-).

Here are the pics of the weak plant, kind of hope to save it and get it going as a second type of plant going.

As you can see, the leaf on a couple sides seems to be gone, dunno if it got eaten when stored in a questionable place, but the plant is still alive aparently. What might I be able to do to get this little one to take off? I really need help because it's only my second seedling I've sprouted, kind of a big newb here.

Here's a pic of the little area I've set up for them. I am thinking of putting foil up to help spread the light (was suggested by a friend). Is this the best option, or should I possibly cover the walls with something else? anways here's the pic.

The second pic is the light I picked up on the cheap at walmart. got 2 of them going in there, and have room for a third if necessary.

Here's the thing, I've been going 24hrs of light on these, because I lack a timer. I plan on picking one up soon, but am I running a risk of hurting the plant? I can manually control the light if it's a big problem.

anyways, I hope to hear from someone on this, I appreciate any response and am glad to have found such an interesting wealth of info in an easily accessible format.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Looks good..

couple qucick notes.. fluorescents need to be CLOSE to your plants.. very close.. less than an inch.. just run a fan in the room and that is usually enough to keep fluorescents heat down in a normal room.

Never cut fan leaves... THAT is WRONG... :) iloveyou 99% of the time FAN leaves are the ENERGY COLLECTOR for your plants...

If you are using fluorescents, you will want to flower when the plants are small. 4-7 nodes.... you should also consider CLONING..

cloning is a fun activity and can be very helpful :)

Winter blues

Active Member
jam pack that thing full of those lights or get a couple 26 watt energy saver bulbs from walmart the 6500k daylight bulbs


Active Member
ok here is the sich u need to pul that sprout and no aluminum fold does not reflect light it is a waistof time and what you should do is put to peices of paper together on each side of your stem resting on your pot so it will reflect the light up into your plant
you need more light in there bro. and you want your light coming from the top not the sides. get a bunch of those compact flourocensts and hang as many as you can above the plant. Just use the light bulbs that you pick up at home depot and a few of those hanging sockets. Go with the higher kelvin temperatures (6,400K) for veg and switch to the warmer (lower number) Kelvin temps (2,700K) when you want to flower. The more light the better. And NEVER, NEVER cut fan leaves. Especially during the vegetative stage of growth. You will fuck up all the hormones and auxins that keep a plant growing strong.