Good Ass Weed! Post All Your Pics


Well-Known Member
Here's a bud from my current purple kush grow. yea its not dry like all the other bud pics but you'll get an idea ;) :D its not completely done, it will still produce more tri's yet. the fuckin epicenter on this bitch is hard as rock and the plant material is literally frosted with tris too the point you cant see the true colour of the clusters.


Well-Known Member
here's my smokables for the evening to accompany my double espresso after dinner ... some top44 and some DairyQueen .... oh yea .. I'ma luvin it.



Well-Known Member
bongsmilievery nice buds, I'll be showing more very soon as I will be chopping the first of my Armageddons tonight...but damn Tahoe I always love lookin at your av pictures. lol:mrgreen: