Good 2 B Back: New Grow, New Space


Well-Known Member
Well, it's been about a year since I last grew for the first time, as documented on my Quasi Ghetto Grow. It wasn't quite ghetto because I had some money, but it was... pretty ghetto.

This grow is quite different. I'm spending less money, yet it's less ghetto.

Back then, I had built a large approx 5x3x3 (okay, maybe only I thought it large) cabinet, which didn't work. The temperature was always 100 or above in this particular climate, and I ended up saving the plants by taking them outside around Sept-Oct when the light started to change, and let them mature naturally.

I used some ridiculous seeds named Super Bud, from, I think, a place called Highgrade seeds, which is still there, a year later.

Maybe they were the real Super Bud, only I didn't grow them properly. Looking back on that time I'm amazed they produced bud at all, after what I put them through.

The high was short and sweet, mostly head but with enough body to feel sensual. Smelled like mint, tasted clean and was slightly above schwag. I didn't even let it cure all the way before I'd smoked it all. It was very airy, and would burn quickly.

If it was really Super Bud, I don't think I grew it correctly.

Still-- I grew it. I actually made my own bud.

Fast-forwarding to now, this summer I determine that I have a terrible alcohol addiction and the only way to heal it is with cannabis.

For some reason, I was exceedingly trepidatious, putting it off, putting it off.

I think also I was remembering how hard it was, last time.

But my hungover mornings and bizarre behaviour under the influence of alcohol convinced me that I must do something.:wall:

I thought about it, and realized: I could buy feminized auto-flowering seeds and grow them outside, easily.

But I didn't buy the seeds-- it seemed a big chance to take, spending $75 on about 5 seeds, that may or may not grow, based on my farming history.:cry:

I started having this strange vision. It was of the room where I had kept the grow closet (now functioning nicely as a storage chest), a very large metal desk in there. It used to hold my computer, but now my computer is out here in the living room, hooked up to the large TV, and surrounded by three windows, each of which have a view of plants or trees.

This large metal desk I saw holding plants in various growing stages, under various cheap-to-power CFL lights.

This vision had hit me months earlier but I paid no attention.

When September rolled around and I still hadn't ordered the seeds as I was supposed to (but spent a lot of money on booze) I realized, wait a minute. I already have seeds, and I can plant them and grow them outside, like I did last year.

I was thinking of how, last year, when I put my little plant outside, it had started blossoming naturally according to the light (there were four-- the two boys were thrown out).

So I still had like, 8 seeds, or something. I put four in containers, put them outside, and two started growing.

But they were very small! And they couldn't find much sun. I checked my notes, and what a mistake I had made: last year, I'd veg'd the plants starting in June, and put them out under the sun in September. So they had veg'd to over a foot, then started making buds as the days grew longer.

This time, I was putting them out as babies, in September (really, end of August, but same thing).

Obviously, none of this is anything to boast about.

I thought... Dude. Not only do you still have some of the Super Bud seeds, but you have a whole vial (about 12) of the Monster Bud (whatever that is) seeds.

I saw the room again, and that metal desk.

Somehow, in a drunken stupor, I cleaned the room, and set up the weak preemies under lights. I found a coffee table to set on the desk to start seedlings. I did that and put them under lights, just in case. I started the seedlings in the old hatch farm I'd used last time. It's heated, and by day three the first one had popped.

I covered both windows so that no light would get out, so that my landlord wouldn't be able to see that a light was on 24/7.

But this had an additional positive effect: I checked the door, and sure enough, even in the middle of the day the room is totally dark.

And not only that.

Because it's no longer limited to a closet and I can leave the door open in the day, a breeze blows through and keeps the temperature around a pleasant (for the plants) 87 degrees... something I never achieved with the cabinet.

So when I realized this caveat I had, as the plants started growing, that I could grow them in the room, and control the light, I realized I wouldn't have to buy feminized seeds because I can grow so many quickly, and I realized that I wouldn't have to buy auto-flower, because the room is light-tight.

So then I started thinking how I don't have to limit myself to auto-flower, I can grow bubble gum and purple and kush and all that.

Of course, the question arises: what are you going to do with the seedlings in veg, when the others are flowering?

Well, for this time I think I'm going to put them in a cupboard with lights, away from the main grow. It will be winter, I can put them in my bathroom, and between Cali winter and bright lights, they'll veg just fine and they won't interrupt the grow process of the mamas in the room.

Next year it'll be more evolved.

But my basic goal is to have a private supply constantly, so I can get off the alcohol. I so miss those stony times of philosophy and music. This will be mine, again.


Well-Known Member
The pictures below will illustrate:

if you saw my last pics of my original plants, they were drooping.

I noticed that the left-most plant was drooping the most, the side without light.

This told me right-away, try re-positioning the light-- maybe it doesn't have enough light. Light from CFLs falls off rapidly-- the price we pay for cheap florescent comfort.

About 4 in the morning yesterday I re-positioned it more under the light, and closer, on a hunch, and sure enough, the leaves perked up again.

This pic shows the noob from the seedling farm I put in a bucket

This pic shows my lil grow swamp. Notice that the 4 in the foreground have not popped. They were planted last. Also, the left-most two are from bag schwag. So I'm not sure they'll pop at all. We shall see.

My new baby! On the right-most side, under intense lightification!

I just now moved her tonight, so all four are now getting their worth in light, such as I can provide.



Well-Known Member
It was not working. I don't know why, I can't seem to grow indoors. Maybe not enough light? They seemed really stressed and sad so I put them outside again, damn the consequences. I checked them today, and they're dark green again, seem happy, though they're not getting enough sun here in autumn and they'll probably try to flower ASAP, but I don't want ta see ma babies die!

So I think two things to get next;

Some LED lights, for inside, and some auto-flower plants, for outside.

That way I can keep the auto-flowers outside and use LED lights on the babies inside and see what works best. This is gonna cost me about $350 tops, I'm thinking, so I'll do it in spurts.


Well-Known Member
Well, I committed some grievous errors.kiss-ass

I took the plants, all of them, outside, and set up a safe grow spot away from cats and the like.

The seedlings didn't make it after about two days. You can't put seedlings straight into sunlight. But I figured the autumn light and cooler days would be okay.

However, we'd had a spate of hot days where my regular plants required water every day. Now it's cool again, go figure.

Anyways, all the seedlings passed and shortly the little plants I had dried up, too.

I think for them the problem was starting them outside in fall conditions, so no veg.

I put them inside under flouros and they started to grow again, but their color turned yellowish.

This so alarmed me that I put them outside again.

The stress alone could have had an effect, but the sun was very hot and I don't think I was watering properly-- I couldn't tell if it was too little or too much, I seemed to have lost whatever skill I'd displayed before.