Golden Bloom - should I use it?


Well-Known Member
Hey all, since orchard's is closing and they have stuff on sale so I thought I'd pop in and see what goodies they've got. I found this stuff called Dr. Earth Golden Bloom. It was on the shelf for $11.99 but then I found a bunch of it stocked somewhere else for $3.50 with a 30% off sign under it so they had to give it to me for chump change so I bought it. I don't know if I should use it though lol I get afraid to add stuff after what I've already done to my plant. :dunce: So rather than just give it a go I thought I'd ask. Should I? Should I try maybe mixing it up as 1/4 of the dosage to see what it does to my plant. Is it too far in the plant's lifecycle to even bother or should I just save it for my next grow?

If you haven't already seen my newbie ignorance in other posts I'm growing in FF soil in a double potted container. I gave it a tablespoon of molasses 4 days ago with my regular watering. She's gonna need to be watered again tomorrow I'm sure. she looks a bit droopy today but it was HOT this weekend. I still get confused by figuring out how long its been flowering so I don't have an answer for that other than to say it emerged from the soil as a seedling on 5/26/13 and I first noticed white hairs on 7/28 (either the 28th or 26th can't remember now)

Here's some pics. Your thoughts and advice are much appreciated.

p.s. why do my pictures flip themselves sideways when I post them here?