Going to 12/12 please tell me what you think


Active Member
yo how big is your grow space, and are you worried about light comming out of the space I.E. parent, etc. I dont know what type of CFL you are using or how many watts but for two plants you want about 2000 lumens. all you need to acheive this is two 4' T-8 bulbs, or four 2' t-8 bulbs. you can get these fairly cheap at any hardware store including daylight bulbs for growing plants they dont say the spectrum but there doing mine beautifully. i picked up two 4' two bulb assemblies for mine including four bulbs it was arround 55 bucks. also if you want to make your grow worthwhile you should veg for longer. im sorry if i sounded like an ass there and i know your following someone elses directions, but what ive learned is that you want your plant between 18 and 24 inches tall before flowering. your plants look healthy and should start to take off very fast. make sure you you find out how much water your pot can hold before it starts to leak and give it half a cup less every three days and after they start to drink it kwick do so every two days, and eventually every day. make sure that every week or two your find out how much water the pot holds again because the bigger the roots get the more water your soil will need, they suck a lot! any way hit me back if you get stuck. i got a chem dawg(Diesel),purple kush, two sour diesel OG kush plants the purple kush is a little small but the rest should put out at least an Oz each. and i know you want to stick to organics and i cant really speak for either this is my first grow but i do plenty of research and you can set up an organic hydroponic setup but the synthetic nutrients arent bad i was going fully organic i was using General Hydroponics floraliscious grow and bloom. but half way through flowering my leafs started to yellow all slpotchy, so i switched to general hydroponics floa nova series. i have since found out that the yellowing is natural plus the roots are starting to do laps so the plant is selectively killing leafs to keep energy in the areas it needs.


New Member
yo how big is your grow space, and are you worried about light comming out of the space I.E. parent, etc. I dont know what type of CFL you are using or how many watts but for two plants you want about 2000 lumens. all you need to acheive this is two 4' T-8 bulbs, or four 2' t-8 bulbs. you can get these fairly cheap at any hardware store including daylight bulbs for growing plants they dont say the spectrum but there doing mine beautifully. i picked up two 4' two bulb assemblies for mine including four bulbs it was arround 55 bucks. also if you want to make your grow worthwhile you should veg for longer. im sorry if i sounded like an ass there and i know your following someone elses directions, but what ive learned is that you want your plant between 18 and 24 inches tall before flowering. your plants look healthy and should start to take off very fast. make sure you you find out how much water your pot can hold before it starts to leak and give it half a cup less every three days and after they start to drink it kwick do so every two days, and eventually every day. make sure that every week or two your find out how much water the pot holds again because the bigger the roots get the more water your soil will need, they suck a lot! any way hit me back if you get stuck. i got a chem dawg(Diesel),purple kush, two sour diesel OG kush plants the purple kush is a little small but the rest should put out at least an Oz each. and i know you want to stick to organics and i cant really speak for either this is my first grow but i do plenty of research and you can set up an organic hydroponic setup but the synthetic nutrients arent bad i was going fully organic i was using General Hydroponics floraliscious grow and bloom. but half way through flowering my leafs started to yellow all slpotchy, so i switched to general hydroponics floa nova series. i have since found out that the yellowing is natural plus the roots are starting to do laps so the plant is selectively killing leafs to keep energy in the areas it needs.
i started reading and then I realized you were explaining to her on how to start from scratch....or something?
Her plants are alive and kicking well man, did you not see the picture?


Well-Known Member
yo how big is your grow space, and are you worried about light comming out of the space I.E. parent, etc. I dont know what type of CFL you are using or how many watts but for two plants you want about 2000 lumens. all you need to acheive this is two 4' T-8 bulbs, or four 2' t-8 bulbs. you can get these fairly cheap at any hardware store including daylight bulbs for growing plants they dont say the spectrum but there doing mine beautifully. i picked up two 4' two bulb assemblies for mine including four bulbs it was arround 55 bucks. also if you want to make your grow worthwhile you should veg for longer. im sorry if i sounded like an ass there and i know your following someone elses directions, but what ive learned is that you want your plant between 18 and 24 inches tall before flowering. your plants look healthy and should start to take off very fast. make sure you you find out how much water your pot can hold before it starts to leak and give it half a cup less every three days and after they start to drink it kwick do so every two days, and eventually every day. make sure that every week or two your find out how much water the pot holds again because the bigger the roots get the more water your soil will need, they suck a lot! any way hit me back if you get stuck. i got a chem dawg(Diesel),purple kush, two sour diesel OG kush plants the purple kush is a little small but the rest should put out at least an Oz each. and i know you want to stick to organics and i cant really speak for either this is my first grow but i do plenty of research and you can set up an organic hydroponic setup but the synthetic nutrients arent bad i was going fully organic i was using General Hydroponics floraliscious grow and bloom. but half way through flowering my leafs started to yellow all slpotchy, so i switched to general hydroponics floa nova series. i have since found out that the yellowing is natural plus the roots are starting to do laps so the plant is selectively killing leafs to keep energy in the areas it needs.
thats a hell of a first post.


Active Member
charfizcool-are you sure you can put into flower then go back to veg? irishgirl- how come u want to start flowering so soon? im also using cfls- i have about a 3 x2 ft space with 4 cool white 100wat cfls ready to go when inducing the flowering stage- that should be plenty of light right? please let me know


New Member
charfizcool-are you sure you can put into flower then go back to veg? irishgirl- how come u want to start flowering so soon? im also using cfls- i have about a 3 x2 ft space with 4 cool white 100wat cfls ready to go when inducing the flowering stage- that should be plenty of light right? please let me know
Umm brotha, you've got issues already if you are planning on flowering with a cool white fluorescent light bulb, no matter what size they are. And are you sure that they are 100watt cfls, or are they the ones equivalent to 100 watts of incandescent light? There is a big difference. In fact We cant answer your question without being sure

i got the same question , i got 11 bitches i wana flower ( blue berrys and purples ) ther 24 days into veg i wana start to flow ther ass , is it to soon? Photo006.flv - Video - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
you should be straight pimpin, looks like your using hps, you can keep em pretty much as big as you want as long as you light penatrates everywhere in that box when the plants get bigger. You can probably go ahead and start flowering those, id wait a couple more weeks since your using hps lighting though, your bulb can handle bigger plants. Flower when they are 12" and they will be from 2-4 ft tall when finished:hump:

ya rasta fiyas awnsa meh!!!!
Thought we spoke english here on this site?:neutral:

The lights are coming on in a couple of hours. I am going to post new pics of the girls. :mrgreen:
yay! thanks.


Well-Known Member
Irishgirl....In my humble opinion, I would wait at least 2-3 more weeks. Your "girls" need to show you a few more things...like definite sex and growth. You will have flowering, but in my opinion, you will have a very small yield. Your plants look good now, but let them grow at least a bit more. You will be happy with the results.


New Member
ok so here is the pic is it a hermie? This is the sick one too. It has the red stems.
I saved the pic to my computer and zoomed in on it a bit more and I dont see any nuts from that picture. Dont kill it and wait it out a bit and see, if it herms on you youll know it when you see it because itll get big nuts on it kinda like a male and it will keep budding up @ the same time.
Not to say it aint, but i cant see where it is from that pic


Well-Known Member
dude that right there will STRESS the plants. dont revert back to veg! take cuts root them then flower the cuts. they will show sex. you can save yourself accidental pollination. also that stress can herme out certain strains, then you could pollinate your whole crop! :spew:

im hoping that the bending at the top node made those lower branches nice and bushy hopefully pushing some nice bud giving branches up towards the light
i had my plants in flowering for about a week, can i switch back to vegging or is a week too long and i should just let it keep goin on 12/12


New Member
i had my plants in flowering for about a week, can i switch back to vegging or is a week too long and i should just let it keep goin on 12/12
yes you can put them back on a 16 or 24 hour light schedule and they will go back into veg. Supposedly this is supposed to keep the plant from reaching peak potentail but ive done it many times and there is no difference betwqeen revegging and just continuing flowering in my opinion.
the plants grew just like normal after that, didnt hermie (out of all 25 i did it with not a single herm) and the buds were no less potent than the ones that were flowered out like normal.
i think the rumor about it possibly making the bud weaker is b/s because ive seen it differently.