Going from pure led grow to 250whps/3 ufo's/t-5/uvb


Active Member
The first four pics are from my 100% led grow.The leds are pricy, but would definitely be worth it for those with space/heat issues. How much is a bag o dank these days? But I have neither of those issues, so after the led grow I revamped my tents.The bud shots in the totally lit led room are G13 Durban, and dp blueberry.The bud shots in the hps/led combo room are nightshade-2, and La confidential- all three are 4 weeks into flower.Lets see how it goes.Will post pics regularly.




those buds lok good and dense also the colors r cool as hell. good luck i also use a 250 hps minus all the t5 and leds u got


Active Member
those buds lok good and dense also the colors r cool as hell. good luck i also use a 250 hps minus all the t5 and leds u got
Yeah , I tend to go overboard.But I cant recommend the ledsenough in particular the 660nm reds. And check out BOfins cfl/led threads on planet skunk if you get the time. Thanx for the interested. peace


Active Member
so the l.ed.s dd yo justice huh?
absolutely, I did the first grow all led, just to see if the fuckers worked.I did not go into this expecting the results I got.One thing I learned is easy on the water and nutes.I ended up using 1/3 the nutes I usually did.


damn everyone is always bashing l.e.d.s how did the compare to the h.p.s.?


Active Member
damn everyone is always bashing l.e.d.s how did the compare to the h.p.s.?
For the grip I put out compared to my hortilux, not worth it yet.You hear all kinds of comparisons online, not enough solid data, def not on my end. I just wanted to see for myself if there was anything to this led thing. My conclusions, wrong though they may be, are that they are almost equal watt for watt to hps. Problem is, you really need a small space 2by2, 3by3, to be able to surround the plants with light.


cool looks like your gonna harvest i a week or two?

Bean 420

Well-Known Member
bf74 nicely done with the LEDs, I have a similar grow with 1 UFO and CFL's and t5s I'm just about to add some UVB I hope it comes out as good as yours did. Check out my grow if you get a chance its in my signature.... subscribed


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Like this very much! How do you Subscribe so that you get updated very time someone posts on threads. I am new to the Computer and Grow culture. Thank you!
I'm happy to hear some people are having success with the led. I am considering a cabinet style grow area 72"hx36"wx18"d powered by two 90w 630nm UFO's. with a cloning chamber on top, the cool cab from sunlight sheds to be exact. I know it is a little pricy at 2k but there seems to be a lot of extras with it plus the time is worth the little extra$$. Any advice on the led's or the overall system would be appreciated.
Your plants are amazing!!! I am doing all leds but using hydro. First time growing in the third week of flower and not seeing what i think I should. If you get a chance can you check out my thread. Its called 21 days into flower WTF. Hope They start shapin up.


Active Member
Hey Good for you, for taking the path less traveled and using LEDs, very informative, Your plants look great. are you sticking with the ufo all the way through Flower, will you be using a HPS at all?