God's Garden Aloha Grow


Active Member
Psyched for this year in the beautiful state of Hawaii. Got some new strains for this year
-Duckfoot Dwarf
-Shticky One
-Random Sativa

All will be grown outdoor with BMO Nutrients. I've always wanted to document a start to finish thread so here we go. Im on the computer quite a lot so it should be updated atleast twice a week.

Here's some pictures of a few i got going that were started on 4/14/09.
Just got the Plumeria and Random sativa so i will be updating once theyre worth taking shots of.

God Bless this Garden



Active Member
Heres some updates from today. Found two herms and got a few shots of their last hour in the soil as well as a counter death shot. Cant afford to let any pollen get on my ladies unless i personally apply it.
Also got some shots of the duckfoot, super cool to grow since it veges like no other ganj plant ive grown look at the leaf structure!
So the duckfoot hasnt showed sex and one of the diesel plants is a female. Also the Shticky one has not showed sex either has the a Hawaii 5-0 Diesel cross

Just started paper towel method germinating these strains:
5 more Duckfoot
5 more Diesel
2 Plumeria
2 Sativa
2 Shticky one

updates once they start sprouting and/or when the sex is determined on currently growing plants

Alohaz to any followers


Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
looking good brah....like what you did with the copper wire...I gotta do that to my guerilla grow too. Haven't checked on it for awhile. don't wanna visit it too often, try to keep it out of my mind. but I really doing it to populate the maryjane in the mountains and create a landrace for our future enthusiasts. liking the duckfoot by the way !alohas


Active Member
Yea bradah stoked your populating the mountains with strains. All i got is my guerilla grow right now. Trying to keep a low pro since there is a lot of people traffic on my property but life is good im not complaining. im just trying to get a little organic herb to keep me off the crazy Hawaiian prices for high grade ganj
Thanks again for coming through and showing some support
Ima mix up some garlic/green peppers/soap spray for an organic pest solution for the crops. noticing some bugs chillen on the leafs no major damage but enough of a concern to make a batch
A hui ho


aloha godsgarden, i really like the copper wire idea. good thinking.
gotta weird question for you.
why did you seal the hermies in a ziploc and put 'em in the trash?



Well-Known Member
is that duckfoot a hawaiian indica? i remember one of my first plants was duckfoot. very stink, sticky and frosty with bright orange hairs. Wish i knew what i was doing back then. ended up losing the strain. anywayz nice plants bu!


Active Member
is that duckfoot a hawaiian indica? i remember one of my first plants was duckfoot. very stink, sticky and frosty with bright orange hairs. Wish i knew what i was doing back then. ended up losing the strain. anywayz nice plants bu!
mahaloz Dr., 3phase and Tunda.
to 3Phase: i got a lot of neighbors the grow & some close to where i dispose my trash and id hate to polinate the ladies by accident even though a plastic bag might not be necessary i feel like i doin a good deed by sealing the males/herms cuz they are NOT ALLOWED haha

Tunda: i know its Duckfoot dwarf supposedly an auto flower strain. it just showed sex as a female so i expect it to start flowering soon as it being a autoflower strain. its def indica although i think its a hybrid ind/sat but i think indica dominate.

thanks again for stopping by


Well-Known Member
i guess these autoflowering strains are good for long season that way u dont need to way to long to get some good smoke. only thing is i hear u cant clone those. It'd be good to cross.


Active Member
yea should be good for long season. actually one of my deisel plants started flowering the other day. before the autoflower strain. i was gunna put it under some lights to stretch it out and send it into veg but am just gunna let it go and ill get some nugs earlier than expected although not to much. just gunna organic BMO nute her up and see what i can get


Active Member
I've been collecting our Hawaiian Native Ladybugs(darkshiny blue) and spreading them on and around my areas

Also topped three of the four one to two foot plants. The duckfoot was topped, one of the deisels, & some random sativa topped

Heres some shots of the goodness

Also the older plants have had two nute sessions so far. i used BMO super plant tonic half strength on them the first time and used Grow it Green on the vegging 3 and Flower power(i think the name) on the one flowering deisel

Aloha my bradahs and sistas



Active Member
ALoha my friends
Im very excited. I have found new locations that get sunlight from 8 am to almost dark which means much healthier/bigger plants this year
So blessed to come upon these spots.
Some small problems lately witch caterpillars. Never had any problems with them the past few years but this year ive found two different types. one is very small and thin and takes little nibblits out of my leaves while the other is over an inch long and a quarter inch thick(thicky) and they munch like there is no tomorrow.
had to sacrifice a couple today as they were really hurtin one of my ladies

anyway duckfoot seems to be winning the race. Looking the healthiest of all and it shows.

the plants are loving the BMO nutrients and the miracle grow organic soil

heres some updated pics

the duckfoot and a sativa strain just hit the 5 gal pots

