Go big or go home!mpb room


Well-Known Member
Okay,this will be my first run with hydro (have grown in coco).MPB (RDWC)
Room will be 8 plants with 7 1000w digilux's ran by lumatek ballasts,23,500 btu water cooled portable ac unit,sealed room co2 the whole 9.
We have some plants that will be ready to go in the room in about a week and a half,now we just have to get the room put together lol.Waiting on some quick connects for the mini res's in the mail and they should be up and running.
A few pics
Here is the space we have to work with 10X20 ( won't use it all this run,but we will expand.

Co2 burner and A/C unit

water chiller

and the girls

Strain is barneys farm sweet tooth,ready to knock it out of the park.


Well-Known Member
The plants get very big,system is for getting biggest yield per plant not per light.I'm a legal card holder and have a limit to how many plant I can have.How can you say it's wasted light and haven't even seen the room yet bud?It's a vertical light garden BTW.


Well-Known Member
This pic is of the same pheno given tons of light(outdoors)and just over a month veg,how many of these do you guys think you could do under your 400 watters?Maybe half of one plant???and that's a BIG maybe.

Yes,I am going for maximum yield,but within my legal plant limits,this means growing a few trees.


Well-Known Member
The res and the room for the res have been built,I'm guessing it holds about 175 gallons.Just needs to be cleaned up a little...

You can't really tell from this pic but the res has it's own little room,cut these doorways for extra access to the big room.


Well-Known Member
i have been know to grow some 8x6 tall trees in my day and i know where your coming from wanting that grown indoor. cant wait to see a colas bigger than 3L bottles. i wish i had pics of my outdoor i lost all of them on a dead thumb drive


Well-Known Member
I wish I could trade in all of my pics for the stuff that had gotten stolen,here are a couple more pics of what my friend and I like to call "The field of broken dreams"



Well-Known Member
The plants have been slow to take off as we were having Ph issues,which I believe was from not thoroughly rinsing the hydroton.When changing the res I could not believe how much of this red powder was still there!However,they are starting to do their thing now.
