Global Warming -> Bumper Marijuana Crops?


Well-Known Member
Was just readin about how our CO2 levels are rising and environmentalists want them to be lowered to 350 as their goal. Im thinking for the health of my kids I'll drive my truck to work instead of taking the bus today.


New Member
Proof that man made global warming is a farce? Oh sure.... how about the scientist who invented the term recanting his prior studies and amending them to include ocean currents... oops.... his bad ... when he did... poof ... global warming disappeared from his data.

We are in a cooling trend that will last about another two decades. The drop in temp has already more than compensated what Al Gore said we have caused with carbon.

One more problem.... there is no correlation with carbon levels and global mean temperature. It's the sun and the oceans which dictate the global climate .. not man.


New Member
They all smell money. As science now starts to get the REAL information out... the pol' are acting DEAF.

This is why you don't allow govt. to get into business. They don't have business goals.... only political ones. They rarely coincide.

libs r scared!

New Member
well if global warming is such a big deal then why is it 40 degrees outside today???? lol wheres al gore now????????? shit. i drive a ford excursion with a 12" lift n 44 inch super swampers. i could run over a treehuggin hippie in a prius like it was a speedbump.