Glass everything!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Looks like generally a complete gimmick like most of our "essential" toys these days. The nobs on my oven works just fine, as do my blinds and such. But i guess if you're that materialistic a person it might be fairly cool.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
That's like saying an ipad is one of the finer things in life ;) nope, it's agimmick for those that think it somehow improves their life and status and such. Please tell me how having a digital touch sensitive temperature controller for an oven is better than a regular dial other than for the "shamwow look at meeeee" factor ;) My lifestyle and posessions far exceed most but i keep things realistic, i know which stuff offered to me is a joke and which is actually of any true value.
I wouldn't have to grab and twist the dial I could just simply put my finger and slide it, enough said. Who wouldn't want a car with a glass moonroof that could be shaded when they want without a curtain? I guess it is somewhat a gimmick but hey if you got it like that then why not buy it?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't have to grab and twist the dial I could just simply put my finger and slide it, enough said. Who wouldn't want a car with a glass moonroof that could be shaded when they want without a curtain? I guess it is somewhat a gimmick but hey if you got it like that then why not buy it?
My oven requires the push of a finger to set it's temperature. It is a standard cheap analogue dial. It is to each their own but that last statement, to me that is largely what is wrong with society these days. People are becoming useless lazy fuckers and i don't think anyone can deny that.
Yes society is becoming lazy but how is all this coming back to being lazy? So just because i want to slide my finger and have glass everything means I'm considered "lazy"? If I was lazy I'd have a maid......Which I don't BTW

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Yes society is becoming lazy but how is all this coming back to being lazy? So just because i want to slide my finger and have glass everything means I'm considered "lazy"? If I was lazy I'd have a maid......Which I don't BTW
I wouldn't have to grab and twist the dial I could just simply put my finger and slide it, enough said.
That sounds like being lazy to me. You're argument is that one is easier than the other, unless you use words wihtout really caring for their true meaing with regard to the circumstances, grab implies effort, sliding does not. And don't kid yourself, anyone who could afford a maid would have one, i'm no saint, i would, fuck emptying the washing machine :p (before you try and conter my last point, it was said in jest..)
Lol its more of whats cooler and if your salary is high and it wont hurt your pockets to buy it then why not get it? Try telling a millionaire to live in a regular house with nothing fancy. Its always good to have high hopes and things like this is what keeps me going to make more money to work forbongsmilie

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Well as i previously said, it's either materialism, or well, cool is simply nothing more than impressing other people, that's all cool really is. I work for happiness, not the next new trinket. But hey, i'm 1 in a million it seems so don't take my word for anything :)