Girl Help

The Grower12435

New Member
Hi everyone.

Well Im really confused about this girl I like. She says that she doesnt feel that way about me but for some reason while my g-ma was driving us to her house all she wanted to do is kiss me.
Im gettin mixed messages big time and im not sure what to do.
Im just a kid and im not to great at reading girls so some help would be much appreciated.

p.s. Im sorry if this is in the wrong forum just tell me if it is and ill take care of it.


Well-Known Member
Girls are not the easiest of creatures to understand by any measure. It doesn't get easier as you get older either, you just care less.

My advise would be to play it cool, if you show your too eager she may lose interest, but if she thinks your not bothered she may come running.

Remember woman don't even understand woman so what chance does a man have.


Well-Known Member
krustofskie egh i disagree girls are simple IMO. Treat her as a friend only a friend... when she want to make aout tell her "No, lets just be friends and smile like your genuine" in a couple weeks she will be all over you like white on rice and a paper plate in a snow storm (who knows the movie?)

Its simple girls like what they cant have. If you make yourself to available your not interesting... buuuut if your busy and time with you is a luxury then this go your way.. Pimp it young stud...



Hmmm... Just ask her out and specify that it will be a date type of situation. If she says no, just say 'That's alright' and if she begins to explain that she doesn't like you in that way say 'Really... you don't have to explain'. I would advise against dredging up reasons why you think she might actually be into you... Just leave them by the way. If you like her, I assume you don't wanna be her friend... So, don't say 'Let's just be friends'. It'll drive you nuts. I will also disagree with the playing it cool and stand-offish approach, girls really appreciate it if a guy is honest and knows what he wants... so let her know. It's a very bold thing, but you have some resolution - don't stress it.

From there relax and have a good time. Girls are great, can be amazing. But it's not worth getting upset over a little kiss. When you see her be nice, and if you get another signal say 'Hey, I asked you out... what's that about?' and try again.

Otherwise, relax (I can't stress how much relaxation is important) and keep an eye out for someone else you like and ask them out in a specific date type scenario before you get trapped in the friend zone, somewhere down the line you'll get a date and can build from there.


Active Member
it's like you guys- she just wants a fuck buddy! but nobody can know and she wants to be able to go see other men freely
question tis answered ;) lol

The Grower12435

New Member
Thanks everyone i appreciate the help.
I've been playing it cool latly and I like were things seem to be headed so thank everyone.=]peace

The Grower12435

New Member
it's like you guys- she just wants a fuck buddy! but nobody can know and she wants to be able to go see other men freely
question tis answered ;) lol
Its not like that at all and besides that i hate it when people do shit like that and i wouldnt like a girl like that in the first place.
But i understand what you mean and people who do that shit are lame.

smoker toker

Active Member
Actually bro... depending on how old you are man.. 16-19 a.k.a. highschool... there are many different f-ing things going on in girls that age's heads (trust me I'm 19) .. so an issuse like that could actually mean ALOT and mean ALOT of different things.... if you're a little older, however 21-28... odds are man she wants to be a fuck buddy. Hope it works out man

:leaf: Smoker Toker :leaf:


Well-Known Member
if u want her, then play it like u dont... gurls like bad boys, they dont want sum1 they can take advantage of or push over... u know the saying "want what u cant have"??? make ur self unavalible and ull either realise u dont want her or shell relize she does want u... good luck bro.. chicks r fuct up, thats y i stay single, see double and sleep triple

The Grower12435

New Member
Actually bro... depending on how old you are man.. 16-19 a.k.a. highschool... there are many different f-ing things going on in girls that age's heads (trust me I'm 19) .. so an issuse like that could actually mean ALOT and mean ALOT of different things.... if you're a little older, however 21-28... odds are man she wants to be a fuck buddy. Hope it works out man

:leaf: Smoker Toker :leaf:
Yeah man im 16 and I told her that I was kinda confused and she told me shes confused too so i told her maybe we should just be friends for awhile and I think things are better now.


Active Member
Agree'd with custom. I married my wife because for 4 straight years, I rejected her. She was the hottest girl in my college years, And she looked amazing. She used to be all over me, Until when I finally got out of college I called her one day, We met up at a cafe and went swimming at my house for the rest of the day. We smoked like 3 blunts, Got drunk and had sex. She's amazing, And she's still with me today. It was one of my most genuine choices, So try it. Maybe you'll get a keeper out of it like I did, And she puts up with my shanannigans =] (she just read this =p). We got married on my birthday so that was pretty hot too, Just thought I'd throw that out there =]


Active Member
Get her in a state of mind, where she cannot resist you. First do a little research, to find out what kind of music, food, drink she likes. Then take her to a place of beauty and comfort. For example, I have a place I can escape to. It's a comfortable cabin on a lake, with a fireplace. If you don't have access to something like that, use your imagination. A hilltop or bluff with a view, the beach, etc.

Stay in control, playing good music, and making all her drinks. Get a good alcohol buzz going for both of you, but not too wasted. Save the joint, and fire it up later in the evening, like while watching the sunset. The ganja will be like lighting the afterburners. She'll be all yours that evening. And, bring your A game to bed. Use foreplay to make her come as many times as you can, then pound the shit our of her.

Later, or next morning, she'll thank you for a great time. You'll be real frosty about it, like no big deal, that's how I roll. If she's still not that into you after that, forget her, it wasn't meant to be. Keep trying, you WILL find someone who IS into you.

Now that I read this, sounds like the Frank Zappa song "Dynamo Hum." Check it out, LOL.