Gilmour nutrient mixer


Well-Known Member
I am curious if anyone has used one of these, I bought it for 25$ from a nursery and you put your nutrients into the bottle and just hook it up to a garden hose. Then set the dial to however many tsp/gallon or tbs/gallon you want and it automatically mixes it in with your water as you spray.. I have tested it by putting a specific amount of nutrients in the bottle then spraying exactly a gallon of water and it is surprisingly extremely precise with the mixture you want. My only concern is how you would mix multiple nutrients at the same time like FF Grow big with FF big bloom since one calls for tsp and the other tbs.. Im thinking I can measure out 10 tsp of grow big, pour it in the bottle then 10 tbs of big bloom, pour it in the bottle and spray 2-3 tsp/gallon as my mixture but I feel like I wont be getting enough of either one if I do that.


Well-Known Member
Outdoor grow?

It seems to me that you are trying to complicate things. Buy a spray bottle ( I picked up a nice pump one with atomizer for under 10 bucks at my hydro store) Mix you mix as a foliar spray ( I use 1/2 strength when feeding foliar) and spray your plants..... If you are wanting to use this to feed your plants ... I would't suggest it, take a 5 gallon bucket mix and pour, repeat as needed.

But what the hell do I know I am just a stoner..............


Well-Known Member
Yes outdoor grow with only 5 plants.. The thing is, I don't need enough water to have to mix gallons of nutrients so its a pain in the ass trying to break it down to how many teaspoons/quart of water I will need to mix together because I was told the nutrients will go bad if left mixed for more than a couple days. This thing will be extremely easy to use if all the nutrients were measured out in tsp/gallon as opposed to different measurements


Well-Known Member
I think that you should dilute them first too. However I'm also just a stoner. I don't think you should mix concentrates together, they may start locking each other out. Just call the company rather then take someone's advice. I'm sure they could tell you better.


Well-Known Member
So when you guys mix nutes, you water with each nutrient separately? Or is it then okay to mix since they are being diluted in a ton of water