GHS - BIG BANG grow journal

Dr. Indica

Active Member
:clap::clap:What a lovely job you have done here.:clap::clap:

Can't wait for a smoke report on these. bongsmilie

Looking forward to your next grow, excellent job.:weed:

scottish lad

Well-Known Member
Those are seriously monster nugs man haha! I'm beginning to think BB doesn't like to be topped...I dont see my topped one yielding ANYWHERE close to yours....maybe not even as much as your top cola! I'm trying to figure out why the plant isn't growing much and why the leaves are so small on it. The clone looks much healthier and I think it'll yield more than the topped one...crazy right?!? Lol...CANT wait to see your baby all trimmed up!

hi m8 i am going bb too and i have topped 1 o mine and to be honest the topped one is sligtly smaller in size but the hair groth is looking a lot more compact than the other 2 that was left normal

heres a link to my journal hope this can help

g4j hope you dont mind me posting link m8.


Active Member
:clap::clap:What a lovely job you have done here.:clap::clap:

Can't wait for a smoke report on these. bongsmilie

Looking forward to your next grow, excellent job.:weed:
Thanks Dr. Indica :joint:

Going to do both at the same time so I want to wait untill the other lady is ready.. :eyesmoke:
I'll post a link on here when I start up again, shouldn't be long, its hard to have a tent and not fill it with something! :mrgreen:



Active Member
Just saw this thread for the first time and read probably 60% of the post. Took about 2 hours. I know they were about 12"-15" when you induced flowering. How tall was the one you chopped and how tall is the other pheno about to be chopped? I am currently growing 1 Big Bang (fem), 1 Church (fem), and 2 KC Brains (reg). Trying to figure out when to induce cause I am growing in homemade grow boxes. One box is 2 of the round rubbermaid tubs, the kind people use at cookouts for beer, with the rope handle (removed) stacked on top of each other. The other box is 2, 30 gal. rectangular rubbermaid boxes. They look really ghetto but work. Especially if you LST the plants. Lower buds are not very good but the upper canopy is awesome. I'm still building them so I have some options. The round one I already put a LED UFO (90w) in and I might add 2 CFL's (26w). The other I am going to put in 6 CFL's (26w).

I grew using 20gal boxes before with 6 CFL's and got about 2 ounces off one plant. It was sativa dominant but very short and the nodes were about an inch or less apart. I was new to growing so I screwed up a lot and they got root bound once before I transplanted. I tied it down and started wrapping it around the pot. After it filled out a good bit I topped it to get it bushier and more even. Heat was a problem (about 90-95f in the box)and the buds were light and semi-airy but the quality was amazing. Everyone was impressed. Came from a bag seed out of some shwag too. Wish I had pics from when it was chopped. It was purple yellow and gold. I would pick the leaves as they were dying too. The last week or two there were no leaves on it. Looked like an upside down octopus. Had 18 arms. It would have been more but when I topped it I removed a lot of the branches so air flow would be better.

Oh, and I didn't feed it any nutes at all, except for sucunat (natural granular sugar). Gave her that every watering. Stopped the sucunat after last flushing 2 weeks before harvest. I think I did 3 flushes total because she was alive for almost 6 months. I really don't know how she stayed so small and compact. Flowered for 96 days I believe, and harvested when there were about 10% amber trichomes.

Also, I had problems with germinating the seeds too. I got a 5 pack fem of The Church and Big Bang. Tried germinating one of each. They sprouted but when I transplanted them they died. I think I might have had them too hot when I was germinating them. Tried it again and may have had same problem. They popped open in the paper towel but one turned brown and the other just stopped growing. Then this last time I tried both again with the 2 KC Brains. The KC popped and were planted and growing right away. The church was a day behind and BB 2 days behind that. I had to help all but one of the KC out of their shells too after sprouting. They all look pretty good now (germination started 10 days ago). KC's just started their 2nd set of leaves yesterday and the new leaves are purple. The 1st set have a purple vein running down the center, so I can't wait to see how they turn out.

So that's it. Just wanted to mention what I was doing and the problems I am having with the GHS seeds. I did not get them from GHS by the way. They come from another seed provider who says they are approved by GHS. Came with cards that normally come with GHS orders describing the seed. The GHS seeds were extremely small also. Like a 3rd the size a normal seed is. Might be they were just not fully developed or something to do with the feminized seeds. I have no idea. I'll look around for a pic of that bag seed I grew and if anyone is interested I can see about getting some pics of the boxes. I might start a grow log myself but that depends on how motivated I am when I get it going.

Great job on your grow. Can't wait to follow your next one from the start.

Oh and here are some links for how to build the box and a home made carbon filter. I used these designs but tweaked them a bit where I thought it was needed. For example I used white duct tape instead of silver tape, and I used individual light sockets I screwed into the box instead of the 3 light strip he uses. Make sure every strip of tape you put down is half over the last also. If the layer isn't doubled up then the box glows fairly bright. 2 layers and it isn't too much light, almost no light at all. I also used a more powerful fan.
Hey Jebus.. :joint: Good luck and happy growing! :mrgreen:
Thanks for checking out the grow and for the links, sounds proper ghetto to me! :lol: but if it works it works.. :eyesmoke:
I didn't measure my harvested girl :wall: i was too caught up in the moment! :lol: I will be able to tell you a rough estimate though and i'll go measure the other lady now.. :mrgreen:........................................
The lady still growing is 90cm bang on.. :lol: so my rough guess for the other will be around 75-80cm..
I had some trouble with my BB seeds aswell, 5 fem seeds, one of which was a male and two didn't sprout at all..:neutral: they came from a headshop and they all were pretty small but there was one that was very small and very light coloured..that was one that didn't sprout. I put four straight into the soil, waited some 3-4days i think and three came up. Many days later I tried the little one i left out and no luck with that one either.. :neutral: never mind, i got a nice lot off the girl i just cut and should expect more from her sis.. :mrgreen:
The ones that did survive though are just like they describe on the GHS website, I don't think they list peach on the description but it is listed for Big Bang on their flavour/taste chart.. :mrgreen:

A friend of mine grew KC 33 outdoors last summer, LST'ed them, turned out pretty good, most of the plant turned purple late into flowering and he gave me some sample buds, a mild but decent smoke, little bit harsh but the buds were all purple, looked great! :weed:

Again, good luck on your grow, post some pics or if you decide to log it, then post up a link.. :mrgreen:



Active Member
Day 78 today and things are going great... :mrgreen:
Well up for the trim 'n' chop, i'll get plenty of snaps for ya Doc...:eyesmoke:
She is looking swell, even the little buds at the bottom of her, although they are small they're ripening up just as quick as the tops! :eyesmoke:
I'm glad i had the light like that now.. :weed:
I think i'll have to get some side lighting aswel for the next challenge..

The curing buds are coming along nicely..they have a really nice smell when you open the jar..Me and my bruv decided it smells like kitchen cleaner.. :mrgreen: I can't get it any better to be honest.. :lol:
They are getting better as the days go by...i've been pleasantly stoned all day! :eyesmoke:
I have been smoking some of the bigger buds this weekend, the majority of them weigh about 3.5-4.0grams each! And I thought my first grow was good, the top on one of them weighed 2.5dry! :mrgeen: (it was some of the best stuff i had smoked though)
anyway, i'll take some pictures of some of the buds curing tmorow.. :mrgreen:

Because it's soaking up all of the 400W lights solo, the buds are really going to be tight and compact on this one Joe!

I can just imagine it now! :clap:


Active Member
Day 79 since the swiaatch.. :mrgreen:
She is almost ready, think a couple more days should do it! :mrgreen: Can't wait till the chop! :bigjoint:
I'm not going to try the 36H dark period before harvest beacuse I would rather do it with two plants of the same phenotype..makes sense though.. :lol:
She is packing on the resin anyway and she makes your mouth water just smelling her scent! :eyesmoke: Its like i've got a peach tree growing in the tent..:mrgreen:

I bought a new temporary curing jar today, the flick pop lid jars..its pretty big, held nearly of my smoke! Finally got a jar big enough to house my big buds comfortably :lol:
I didn't even realise they sell them at morrisons! :mrgreen: and at £3.99! Bargain! Had to make room for the fresh harvest coming soon.. :eyesmoke:




Well-Known Member
So it sounds like they put on about 2/3rd of their size during flowering. I think I can make that work :) The pic of the KC Brains was a crazy purple/red/gold so I'm psyched about when she finishes. I need to go back and read up on her stats though to make sure I don't overgrow her or anything. She is a lot more vigorous than the BB or Church. In fact I have the feeling I'm going to be killing off the church. The leaves are are twisted and ugly. Plus the tips are getting a little yellow. So if this one is a failure I'll be 0 for 3 with the church. The BB was the slowest to germinate but is on par for size and development when compared with where the brains were a few days ago so I think she is doing ok. Looking at yours I don't think I'll top her like I was planning. That cola is sick! I will be LST'ing her though so the main cola may be a bit smaller anyways.

I can't wait to see your last baby chopped up. That cola has to be the size of a soda can!


Active Member
hey m8 those look amazing in the jar :)

bet you cant wait to see the othere baby in jars drying off 2 :)
Thanks man.. :joint:
Already getting ready for the chop, scissors are clean, dry box is empty and awaiting fresh nugs, jars are ready, just waiting for her.. :mrgreen

The one thing i hate about big jars is they make the harvest look so small! :lol:


So it sounds like they put on about 2/3rd of their size during flowering. I think I can make that work :) The pic of the KC Brains was a crazy purple/red/gold so I'm psyched about when she finishes. I need to go back and read up on her stats though to make sure I don't overgrow her or anything. She is a lot more vigorous than the BB or Church. In fact I have the feeling I'm going to be killing off the church. The leaves are are twisted and ugly. Plus the tips are getting a little yellow. So if this one is a failure I'll be 0 for 3 with the church. The BB was the slowest to germinate but is on par for size and development when compared with where the brains were a few days ago so I think she is doing ok. Looking at yours I don't think I'll top her like I was planning. That cola is sick! I will be LST'ing her though so the main cola may be a bit smaller anyways.

I can't wait to see your last baby chopped up. That cola has to be the size of a soda can!
What strain from KC Brains are you growing? Is it Mind Bender?

I left these two to grow naturally, the side buds are almost the size of the cola, so topping would of been unneccasary anyway, :mrgreen:

I'm so looking forward to the chop!!!! :lol: Just wanna fill out the dry box out again! Can't wait for that peachy smell to be everywhere! :weed:

Flick back a few pages, there is a picture of the main cola next to a 2litre coca cola bottle, just to get an idea of the size..:mrgreen: i cut her down on the 31st of Jan i think, should be easier to find.
The cola on this lady still growing is probably twice that size now,
:lol: soda can, maybe 5 or 6 stacked up! :lol:



Active Member
Day 80 of flowering today.. :weed:
Really didn't think this journal would still be going but she is holding out for a few more days atleast! :lol:
The buds are really starting to finish up, she is so sticky and peachy! :weed:
I'm going to say thursday she will be coming down, although I will check again tomorow anyway.. :mrgreen:

Plenty of bud porn and I managed to get a picture of the trichs, (it was the best I could do!) :lol:
Been checking them out and they are all cloudy and a few are turning amber! :mrgreen:




Well-Known Member
GOOD GOD MAN!! I thought that was an odd sized European bottle or something equal to about 1 liter. That bud is ridiculous.

I realized last night that I was saying the name of the seed company not the strain. What I'm growing is Brazil K.C. It's a stable sativa cross of Mango Vermelho from Paranaiba, Brazil and K.C. 606. From some reviews I have read it smells sweet and musky with a flowery/musky flavor. The person who grew it out wasn't a fan of the flavor. I'm guessing it has one of those odd flavors like rotten fruit or seafood or something. It's suppose to be a good yielder with an above average high. Long lasting (3-4 hours for the average smoker) with an ok head buzz and strong body high. Supposedly trippy effects. Doesn't get too tall and does well with LST'ing with sativa leaf characteristics. KC Brains says it has an average flowering time of 9-12 weeks which I'm not too fond of but I'll deal. Found a pic and it looks almost purple/black with some green. At night I have temps down around 58 and the leaves have some purple on top. The bottom of the leaves are mostly purple, but they are only about 15 days from seed. Just started getting some good growth the last few days, finally growing taller.

Oh and they are regular seeds which is why I sprouted 2. If I do get a male I may try harvesting some pollen and seed a branch on the other along with a branch on the BB and Church.

Funny you should mention the mind bender. I originally ordered a pack of those also but they ran out. They sent me a pack of TNR instead and a bonus pack of TNR (20 seeds total). Guess they had a surplus of them. Only problem is all reviews say TNR is the monster of the cannabis world. Usually growing 3-4 meters tall outdoors and that it can't be grown inside. So I doubt I'll ever grow those in my grow box. I even contacted the seller about it and they just said they'll do fine indoors. I don't think the person who responded even bothered to check what it was lol. At least the seeds didn't cost me a fortune. Maybe I'll just toss them out into a field somewhere in the middle of no where and check on them after a few months.


Active Member
wow m8 that is some bud porn i must say you must be so pleased with her :)
Thanks man.. :joint:
Very happy, just got to make sure it lasts me until the next grow is finished! :lol:


How did you take that pic of the trichs?
Thanks man.. :joint:
I get a good enough spot with my 420 Scope, then I hold my phone lense up to the scope and try and keep my hand steady as I take a pic. :lol:
It was tricky, my phone cam is a real bitch to take pictures with sometimes, :lol: but I got it done in the end.. :eyesmoke:


GOOD GOD MAN!! I thought that was an odd sized European bottle or something equal to about 1 liter. That bud is ridiculous.
:lol: :mrgreen:
I couldn't believe the weight of that thing! :lol: It gives me something to try and beat on the next grow. :mrgreen:
Think I might need something bigger for comparison when I chop the next cola though.. :eyesmoke:


I realized last night that I was saying the name of the seed company not the strain. What I'm growing is Brazil K.C. It's a stable sativa cross of Mango Vermelho from Paranaiba, Brazil and K.C. 606. From some reviews I have read it smells sweet and musky with a flowery/musky flavor. The person who grew it out wasn't a fan of the flavor. I'm guessing it has one of those odd flavors like rotten fruit or seafood or something. It's suppose to be a good yielder with an above average high. Long lasting (3-4 hours for the average smoker) with an ok head buzz and strong body high. Supposedly trippy effects. Doesn't get too tall and does well with LST'ing with sativa leaf characteristics. KC Brains says it has an average flowering time of 9-12 weeks which I'm not too fond of but I'll deal. Found a pic and it looks almost purple/black with some green. At night I have temps down around 58 and the leaves have some purple on top. The bottom of the leaves are mostly purple, but they are only about 15 days from seed. Just started getting some good growth the last few days, finally growing taller.

Oh and they are regular seeds which is why I sprouted 2. If I do get a male I may try harvesting some pollen and seed a branch on the other along with a branch on the BB and Church.

Funny you should mention the mind bender. I originally ordered a pack of those also but they ran out. They sent me a pack of TNR instead and a bonus pack of TNR (20 seeds total). Guess they had a surplus of them. Only problem is all reviews say TNR is the monster of the cannabis world. Usually growing 3-4 meters tall outdoors and that it can't be grown inside. So I doubt I'll ever grow those in my grow box. I even contacted the seller about it and they just said they'll do fine indoors. I don't think the person who responded even bothered to check what it was lol. At least the seeds didn't cost me a fortune. Maybe I'll just toss them out into a field somewhere in the middle of no where and check on them after a few months.
Sounds like a nice strain to grow, and by the looks of that pic, some banging bag appeal to! :weed:
Tastes differ from from person to person, some like the strange ones, others just like it fruity etc ect.. I'm up for trying everything atleast once! :lol:
By the way, if you got any pictures of your ladies, if you want you can post them up :mrgreen: Always up for bud porn, not just my own! :lol:

About the TNR, really does sound like a monster, there must be someone who has grown it indoors, try it out, you could always chop her if she does start to cause problems, you got enough of em' :lol: You could be the first person to conquer the monster! (indoors) :mrgreen:


Here's a pic from a sellers site of the Brazil x KC
Damn that looks deadly! :eyesmoke:


Looks like he put the camera up to a scope. Doesn't work too well with small digital cameras (my own experience at least) but pretty good with a camera with a real lens.
Got it in one my man.. :mrgreen:


do you grow in an apartment?
I do not grow in an apartment.
Do you?



Well-Known Member
Kind of puts a new meaning to the word "cola" don't you think?2 liter anybody?
What was the dry weight of that thing anyway(and the rest of the plant)?Sorry,If I missed it.