GH Aeroflo2 60 Port and Complete Heavy 16 Nutrition


Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

Anyone else doing a grow like this? Ive looked and looked, no info. So far, im running 4 strains, deisel, blueberry by dutch passion, afghan#1, and cream caramel. Im using Heavy 16 and I have got to say so far so awesome. nodes out the ying-yang and in some strain instances, nodes off of nodes off of nodes :) But really, could use and appreciate anyone else's input or personal experience. As far as my setup..

lights 2 lumatex 1000 ballasts with hortilux super hps bulbs, air cooled reflectors
nutrients - heavy 16's COMPLETE lineup...veg a and b, bud a and b, prime, roots, fire, foliar...hygrozyme is only other addative i use
40 gallon std aeroflo res with chiller keeping nutes at 68 degrees, pleanty of airstones and recirculation pumps...and properly prepared water/solution
lots of air circulation and good ventilation
no co2
room temp avg day 84 degrees
evening 72 degrees

so far heavy 16 is amazing i had the cream caramel go from seed to 3 foot bush and 3 feet wide with hundreds and hundreds of hairs in 40 days. resins were on my diesel in 40 days with nugs a quarter way done. if anyone else is using heavy 16 aeroponicly please chime in with results and or suggestions. thanks everyone, happy farming...


Well-Known Member
well you got us there .. nope i have not seen anyone growing with words on a usually it takes soil water and sun or lights.. lmao you need to post a pic of what your talking about.. that will almost always get a reply..


Well-Known Member
Hey TF,

Any update on the grow? I am an experienced aeroflo user and decided to give the heavy 16 line a try. I just picked up the full line from my LHS. Did you use any of their supplements?


Well-Known Member
Hey TF,

Any update on the grow? I am an experienced aeroflo user and decided to give the heavy 16 line a try. I just picked up the full line from my LHS. Did you use any of their supplements?
yes, I used the whole line and got a killer crop of skywalker og. In my journal, sorry for the delayed answer...
I love my aeroflo! That would make a great t shirt lmao.. No seriously it's a sick hybrid system! U need to be careful if your using beneficials with it tho! Tho nute uptake is incredible. And almost to much if your following the recommended feeding schedule