Getting Your Money's Worth From Your Weed


Active Member
I made my first batch of cannabutter from some killer weed and it came out real fine.
After straining out the weed and wringing it real well, I couldn't bring myself to throw out that used up grass.
I used those leftovers to make firecrackers... just to see
had my first one last night and it fucked me up real bad.
It's like getting high twice from the same weed


Active Member
I took the (used up) weed and put in on grahm crackers with an all natural peanut butter
normally you would cook them but seeing as I had already cooked the weed to make cannabutter, I skipped that step.

What my point was that most of the reciepes say when making butter is to discard the weed once you have strained it out well.


Well-Known Member
I took the (used up) weed and put in on grahm crackers with an all natural peanut butter
normally you would cook them but seeing as I had already cooked the weed to make cannabutter, I skipped that step.

What my point was that most of the reciepes say when making butter is to discard the weed once you have strained it out well.
Since the leaf material has been brewing in the canna butter it self. Its pretty safe to say that some of that butter stayed on the leaf material from the weed. Thats why ya got high :-D


Active Member
Since the leaf material has been brewing in the canna butter it self. Its pretty safe to say that some of that butter stayed on the leaf material from the weed. Thats why ya got high :-D
I would agree with that. my point was that any reciepe I have read says to discard the used up weed. I'm saying that stuff is still good


all that plant matter can be hard on your digestive system you're better off doing a second soak, rinse and strain.. or throw your reclaimed weed in an alcohol tincture to draw the last of it out


anyone ever just make homemade peanut butter with cannabutter??
sounds easy and could taste good if sweetened with honey...


Well-Known Member
anyone ever just make homemade peanut butter with cannabutter??
sounds easy and could taste good if sweetened with honey...

I have... well ok.. not "homemade" but I added canna oil to some organic crap I had (did not stir it before hand) and well.. it was ok... I stopped making oils..


I have... well ok.. not "homemade" but I added canna oil to some organic crap I had (did not stir it before hand) and well.. it was ok... I stopped making oils..
cool, i think i will try to make some with mainly Cannabutter, Peanuts and Honey and see how that turns out with my next harvest...I'll up this thread just to relay my results