Getting the most out of a 1.6 ft wide x 7 ft long closet


I Am looking for help I am designing a clooset grow and I have bought four books including the grow bible and am looking to touch up the last details. This is what I have so far.

I will divide the closet into a 3 ft and 4 ft In the 4 ft area fully covered with mylar. I will have four sq pots in veg with a 600w and in the three ft area with a 400w and will contain a mother and my four clones. Its is a rental so I CANT CUT ANY THING, so here is where I am running into a prob. must lights are described in sqft so will a 600w be over kill? Second I am not sure how to run the exhust fan and carbon filter wiuth out building a box structure inside the closet? Any ideas on how?
Any help would be great... Thanks!


Active Member
So, you are going to have a mother room and a veg room? It doesn't really make sense to use a mother unless you've got a flowering room there too. Your mother could just go in you veg room. As far as heat, that's quite a bit of wattage for that space, so you're going to need a fair amount of ventilation. I'm guessing you're going to ventilate into the room, so you might have to build a partial wall in the closet opening to accommodate the fan and filter.



Well-Known Member
area fully covered with mylar.
I have posted this before, but my light meter and wallet agree that flat white paint outperformed all other coverings I have tried except Panda Film, and that was a tie.

Another issue with films and the like is that there is a space between the films and the surfaces they cover. This space cannot be ventilated, cleaned, disinfected or inspected properly begging unseen disease and pestilence to take up residence and multiply.

As Ooli said ventilation and heat management should be your focus to get a great grow.

If you can't modify the room at all, maybe 1000w is a bit too much for that space. Maybe mothers on flouros and flower with 150-400W hps. Initial costs and heat issues would be reduced with that combo, and
decent smoke can be grown. Then as your garden progresses you can add things as you go if you want.

These PPP mothers thrive under a pair of 40w shop lights man, and one of them could supply all your cutting needs for that space believe me.


These babies are 7 days from cut and I should see roots today.


I can't believe some of the tiny little two leaf twigs that some pass off as clones. I like my clones to be big and healthy for immediate flower. I select a nice fat stem then hold my hand outstretched and put the tip of my thumb at the growing tip of the selected stem and cut it off where the tip of my pinky touches.

Yeah I know it's a lot of babies but spring is here and I will give a bunch away to friends, and hope it pays off in the fall with TOKEns of appreciation

Good luck!!!!

Lvf West

Kpw555 is right on .... 600wt would work well and fl for mother and clones
place a strip of 1" wood across the top and side if interior of closet use panda film and attach it with Velcro to make a small 6" gap just inside the door ,in turn making a new door for room out of the panda film. run filter to ducting, ducting to air cooled hood or tube , ducting to a hole made at the top of the Mylar sheeting that will expel the hot air out of the room and control smell .
Or just cut a hole in drywall ceiling and vent it threw the attic the cost of the patch even by a pro before you leave will be minimal cost 50-100 max
Good Luck