getting my nutrients right! help advice plz ?


hi everyone just looking for a bit of advice as im only a noob, my plants are now 10 inch's tall and very bushy after 4 weeks from seed, had a few problems last week where i was seeing signs of overfeeding, i have had my nutes at a cf level of 12 to 14, i have now cut down to 8 to 10 and over the last few days my plants have looked way better! i have now just switched to flower and i am wondering what level my nutes should be at, ive hered u need to go up a level when switching to flowering nutes, so should i go back to 12 to 14? my nutrient metre will read cf ppm or ec, any advice would be very gratefull, thanks.


Well-Known Member
Not quite that you have to higher nutes but you need to completely switch nutes.

A bit of explanation:
The NPK for veg will and is different then what you should be giving them when they are flowering.

They have different needs in the different stages of growth.
Many of us have different techniques when going from veg to flower.
What I do is, 1 week after I changed my light schedule I flush my plants and start with a lower dosage of flower nutes.
Once I see they are handling it, I slowly take it up to max strength. Even then if they handle max strength i like the push the envelope and go beyond that until its just perfect. Some strains dont need full strength and you will soon learn with experience when and what is enough.

I hope this brief rant is enough to educate you a bit and push you to learn more. Read up on NPK and their usage during each stage of growth....Seedlings, Vegetative and flowering. Good luck


Active Member
Some people like to feed as much as possible and some like to feed as little as possible.

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
Burning your plants doesn't mean they are at their max nutrient uptake.
It means the solution is too hot for them to even eat nutrients.
As long as it's green and showing no yellowing, stop feeding at THAT CF,PPM or EC.
MOST plants are fine at 800 - 900 PPM's.
The plant will only eat what it needs and can.
Pushing past that DOES NOT increase the nutrient uptake.
What it DOES do is stress the plants and prevent them from giving their full potential.
Even if it "appears" they like it and are fine, why then do they show signs of burning ?
Even it's just a mild case of burning (leaf tips only).
Because they are warning you, "Hey ! I am above my limits and you're stressing me !".
Just my $0.2

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
I wish !
It's Double Purple Doja by Outlaw Grower (got popped a year ago).
No longer available but I managed to cop 10 - F3 beans right when they dropped, which was 2 months before his arrest.
They took ALL his shit too.
Mother plants, tons of seeds, etc.
She is gone except for the few that might have beans left.
I don't think he put too many out there.


Well-Known Member
keep it where its at if she's flourishing.
As she gets older, up it a small kick at a time til she says enough and there ya go.