Getting high for the first time


New Member
hey guys im a pothead like many of you, and my friend is coming up from dallas so im gonna try to get him high so i was wonderiing if there were any tricks to help him feel it or wat, like any advice on getting high

and also do u know of any ways to get higher quicker??


Well-Known Member
Dont force him too smoke, just put a freshly packed bong in front of him and he will do the rest


New Member
hey guys im a pothead like many of you, and my friend is coming up from dallas so im gonna try to get him high so i was wonderiing if there were any tricks to help him feel it or wat, like any advice on getting high

and also do u know of any ways to get higher quicker??
tell him "everyone is doing it" and "it is cool" and "that you will be his friend if he does it"


are you serious?


Well-Known Member
first time smokers wont be able to handle smokin all that ganja and you DONT wanna make there first experience with mary a bad one either. teach em how to toke and how not to toke. smoke like you normally would. dont think that smokin your whole sac with make for a better experience.


Active Member
the way i normally help out first timers is showing them how to smoke out of a bong/pipe, then letting them try by walking them through it as they are sparking up. also, make sure they know to exhale when it starts to get hot in their throat or else they'll start coffing and give up because "it hurts" or some random reason like that.. if they only take a few puffs and say enough, let it be. smoke another bowl later and they'll get the hang of it/get more comfortable of how to do it. one more thing .. if they seem uncomfortable/shake when trying to light it, just tell them to relax/chill.

like someone breathesmoke & imtylerdammi said, there is no rush & dont make their first experience a bad one ;)
