Getting close to harvest ?

  • I'm growing auto blue mystic and I'm at week 12 now. I'm using a hydro system and my plant is still sucking up water like there is no tomorrow or so it seems and using a microscope i have looked at the trichs and some are red, while others are clear, but not very clear. I don't want to harvest at the wrong time but it seems like it has been forever waiting on this very first grow. Can someone take a look at my cola and tell me what they think ? Am i ready to harvest, how much longer should i wait, etc ? I switched over to just plain ph water about a week or so ago.

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Well-Known Member
looks ready to me! Chop Dry Smoke 'n give us a report! Congrats... they say it takes 56 day from seed to harvest in optimum conditions for ur strain on the bank seed website!


Well-Known Member
"Some are red, while others are clear, but not very clear" Substitute amber for red and cloudy for not very clear and it's SOUP! Looks close, but not quite done yet :blsmoke:


R2T :peace: