Getting CAught!!

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Hmm your so properly educated,clever and doing an advanced degree that you call it a mini frig thingy.:roll:

A four year degree is not really an advanced education. And just because I have a degree, does that mean I have to use big words just to impress people? That just ain't the way I is.

And yes, that is a Mini Frig. thingy, Because it is just a figment of your imagination. Now if you had said something like Your friend had a 55 gallon barrel with a bunch of coiled copper lines in it, which he circulated cold water through, and your friend blew the hot air threw the barrel.. Then I would have said it would have worked.. BUT!!!!! The heat is still going somewhere. It is going into the water, and to where ever it leads to.

I guess if one guy never made it through lets say grade school, and another guy made it through Junior High, the first guy would think the second guy had an Advanced Education. Hmmm.. Something to ponder..:dunce:

Natmoon, it is all good. It is just that your design had a big flaw.



Well-Known Member
hello ppl

i have never been done for weed, BUT if u keep it to ur self, or only tell ur flat mate (s) but in saying that if u dont trust ur house mate enuff then ur prob best not even growing cos it may end up u being someone's lil bitch behind bars lol, and alot of ppl ask me what about the choppers with the redars, well if u have say 5 plants max then u should be fine, cos the light u would have to use wouldn't be any out of the normal, just as the redars pick up ur frigde,freezer etc, its only if u have almost every room in ur house full of lights then if u dont have protection, u will prob have a cop knocking on ur door, there are things u can use the help hide heat, but like i said if u have 5 plants max u will prob never have any trouble,


Well-Known Member
Are you really so bored that you have nothing better to do than make sock accounts to try to back yourself up:confused:
You have no idea what or who i know and no idea what you are talking about:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Lord Dangly Bits....................

If you want to grow big to get rich, then do not cry when you go to prison. Myself. I grow for myself, and have a M&M card. What a bitch it was to get, but well worth it.

Amen Brotha. You speak well:-)



Well-Known Member
The Leo's would like to have ALL of us believe that their shit is better than the motherfucking Predator's. Now try to think about it from the leo's perspective, helicopters waste TONS of fuel flying around. A lot of those times they come up completely emptyhanded. We are making progress in our battle against unjust laws, its a huge waste of money when it would be a lot easier to use bust to get informants and go up the food chain. Hopefully money will be even more scarce to just burn flying in circles. What adrenaline junkie cop doesn't like to go for a helicopter ride, haha. Basements would be great places, water heaters, etc. Like someone said before they cannot make out shapes. The heat would transfer to the walls and distribute itself. My guess is that they more or less have some purpose when they fire the birds up, an idea of an area where a grow house is, etc.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
A few post back, someone asked about some kind of material that is designed to hide heat. Hmmm. FSK is designed for that. This is the foil faced paper, with fiber strings in it for strength. you put the foil face to the inside of the structure to reflect heat back in. If you go into Lowes or homedepot, you should be able to look up at the ceiling and see this Foil Faced FSK material. But draping it over the walls would also work. Or you could just sprinkle some magic dust on the walls.:mrgreen:

Oh,, this foil is not like regular tin foil either.


Well-Known Member
Great thread, very entertaining.

The number 1 reason people get busted is by telling too many people. Also, I had a good friend get busted for growing because he let a party get out of hand. Cops got called, underage drinking etc, etc, he's an idiot. Another big reason people get is smell. Once the smell is reported, then you have heat on you. After that, they watch your house for traffick. They'll follow someone leaving your house who only stayed for a minute or two, then pull them for some bullshit reason, ask to search his/her car for suspicion of drug activity or for being in a known drug area. Once they ascertain that the people leaving your house have weed, they start digging a little deeper. Improper disposal of trimmings, stems, etc. As soon as your trash can is on the curb, it becomes city property and they can dig through it all they want. Now they have a case, and a warrant can be served. One of my best friends is a cop. He knows what I do, he smokes with me every now and then. He told me all this, so if someone disagrees, then I apologize for being misinformed in your opinion. Wait... no I'm not really sorry and don't give a shit if you disagree because he has no reason to lie to me :).

So a recap:
1. Don't tell anyone
2. Don't tell anyone
3. Disguise/neutralize odor
4. Dissipate heat properly
5. Don't tell anyone
6. Do not deal out of your house
7. If you deal, never let buyers come to your house or know where you live. Meet them a block away or something.
8. Walk to wherever you're meeting a buyer if possible. Cops can pull you over and ask to search. They can pull you over for any reason they can pull out of their ass. Then it's just your word vs. his. You can deny the search, but then the put out a call to see if any K9 units are in the area. Then your FUCKED!
8. Never carry more than your selling, that is if you can carry it.
9. Keep the cash on you to a minimum. Police can LEGALLY seize any amount over $500 (in my state) and keep it if you can't prove it's origin.
10. Don't tell anyone
11. Learn how to launder money. I'm a college student, and president of a club. I recieve "anonymous" donations and place them into an account from the school. Being president, I can use this money as I see fit.
12. If you can't do this, then buy a safe. If you aren't comfortable being your own bank, then never deposit more then $2500 at a time into an account.
13. If someone who normally buys small amounts from you, decides to make a considerably larger purchase then normal, be suspicious. Put the product in a hidden area, and have the person give you the money first. Make no mention of whatever you're selling. Tell them where the product can be found and get the fuck out of there. If they don't want to do it this way, fuck it, it isn't worth it.

This is all I can think of for now, I'm sure someone who is "more informed" can pick it apart and add to it. But this is how I do shit and I've never been caught. And none of my customers have been caught for my carelessness.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
I think Sublime watch's a lot of Cop Shows and movies. But even so, he really put that nail dead center. Very well said Sublime. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
A few post back, someone asked about some kind of material that is designed to hide heat. Hmmm. FSK is designed for that. This is the foil faced paper, with fiber strings in it for strength. you put the foil face to the inside of the structure to reflect heat back in. If you go into Lowes or homedepot, you should be able to look up at the ceiling and see this Foil Faced FSK material. But draping it over the walls would also work. Or you could just sprinkle some magic dust on the walls.:mrgreen:

Oh,, this foil is not like regular tin foil either.

thanks for answering my post! can you get FSK at the local hardware/grow place/ wherever the hell you procure something like that?

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
FSK is a commercvial grade insulation varpor barrier, that reflects heat. So get it at your construction supply store. not sure if lowes would have it though.


Well-Known Member
FSK is a commercvial grade insulation varpor barrier, that reflects heat. So get it at your construction supply store. not sure if lowes would have it though.
When I used to do exterior remodeling we used some shit like this. It's like $140 per square (100sq. ft.).


Active Member
unless your house is a glowing sun in the middle of the night.....heat signatures by themselfs are not enough for a search warrant - remember...hydroponics is legal!!! anf alot of people do it..especially in the winter moths.... but to minimize heat signatures...keep lamps and grow rooms in the center of the home or basement....keep it away from outside walls... remember - IR cannot see thru walls. and careful how you vent.... the best way to vent is to go into sewage lines...but that is not practical.. vent into a chimney or center of an attic.
So, I'm guessing if IR can't see thru walls, they wouldn't be able to see through rooves either, if thats the case what the hell is everyone worried about?


Well-Known Member
Hello, I was wonder how safe it actually is to grow? I mean What are the chances of getting caught in the US? Not a big operation, just a plant or two for personal use? Thanks
You have more chance getting 2 speeding tickets within the same day over getting popped for 2 plants,unless you live across the street from a school & grow your plants in the front window.


Well-Known Member
1 - is your grow small or big?
2 - do you pay the bills on time and the full amount?
3 - does any of your friends know?
4 - can you see any activity from the out side?