getting a good salvia trip?


Well-Known Member
I've tried it a few times and I have barely reached the 2nd level everytime. I'm I not smoking enough? What are some good ways to enhance a salvia trip to have out of body experiences and such?


Well-Known Member
I smoked it about 15 times before I got to the see god shit. 20X with a good torch lighter. It takes more heat than weed to work. I took 2 big hits held it as long as I could and was gone. I prefer the old lsd. Harder to get but the highs are little more


Active Member
Use high power stuff, put the lighter on the bowl, water piece works best, and slowly burn it with the lighter on the hole time. you have to burn the shit outta the bowl and hold it in until your lungs are gonna burst then hold it in longer. dont blow out the hole hit just as much as you need to. practically make yourself pass out from holding the hit. listen to music and close your eyes. dose has alot to do with it try two times the amount as the previous time.


Well-Known Member
cool alright I'll try that. Meta, I read your level 6 link and I was inspired to try the stuff again. I had pretty much given up on salvia, proving it to be worthless. But if it gets some people going like that, then I'm sure I have the potential inside me as well.


Well-Known Member
You need an extract. I recomend a 5x. Alot of the internet sites lie about how strong their extracts really are. Becareful not to do to much, you will scare yourself from it. You can buy ouces of leave for pretty cheap like 1 oz = $12 and that will get you (28/6) grams ~ 4.67 of 5x extract. You only need about 0.10g of 5x for what your looking for, max of 0.15.


Well-Known Member
I bought mine locally from a head shop. My package is either 25x or 50x and it was expensive. I think it was like $50 for small little case. My buddies and I have tried it a couple times and there's still a ton left. Maybe I just need to pack a HUGE bowl like meta suggested haah.


Well-Known Member
Dude your head shop is definitely ripping you off. I'll be if you look closely at your 25x or 50x packaging it has a disclaimer on it about its potency. Make your own extract and never go to that rip off shop again. Go to and buy from them. I have purchased form them.

Definitely get in the right zone... And take it slow... Start with 0.06g then to 0.1 and finally to .15 if the previous didn't take care of you.


Active Member
hahahahhahahahah salvia is such bullshit, I can't remember where i read this, but there was a verified trip report of a dude who took a gram of 100X extract to the dome one blow and spaced out for 45 min. he still said he didn't think he achieved the "full" effects. I personally think the salvia doesnt have as much to do with it as your head space, for example some nights you have crazy intense awesome dreams other nights you have none. more then a pinch less then a pile is usually a good starting point. the problem with starting slow is you use to much warming up, i think getting scared outta your witts pays off when you look back at it. I cant tell you how many times while starting to trip out thinking "OH SHIT! i really did it this time, i dont think im gonna come back from this one" then you realize its just like watching a horror movie, watch enough of em you start laughing instead of flinching. I think heavy doses are easier more fun and definately more easily identifiable as a "trip" then the lower "oh fuck am i actually tripping or just..... blah" you should let us know when you get that trip that really 'does it man' :)


Active Member
shxt i smoked that stuff and had pretty good trip my first time around... it will scare ya if you take too much too soon... but i think i had one of them outa body experiences.. WHOA!!!


Well-Known Member
I love Salvia but hate it I got a ton of 5x and I like that because it just gets you all whoaaaa I used to do 20 a fair bit but decided it was just to much for one man to keep doing


Well-Known Member
I always had my best trips off 10x, 20x just made me feel like i was on crack!

And I only had 2 "religious trips" out of 35 times

Oh and i was sittin sober for my brother in law for his first time, and he takes this massive toke out of the double bubble bong we were using, held it in, started talking funny, walked 10 feet, stumbled and fell flat on his face, he was sitting there chanting Native American sounding shit. And you know that common Sticking to the ground feeling? he had it real bad! he said in his trip people were being reborn in a "White Heaven-Like Place" by being Peeled off of the ground, thru the ground between dimensions. And like all people he was blown away by the shit, for a couple hours after.

He did lots of Acid and AMT and shit he expected it to be bunk :P


Well-Known Member
well when i smoked salvia i did 20$ worth of 20X. Unfortunately for me nothing happened..... could have been shit salvia or maybe its all the lorazapam im on :P

Ive seen others take the same amount and just completely trip right out.... so i don't know what to tell you.


Well-Known Member
So I finally had a salvia trip that was more than just a relaxing placebo.

I went to a park to kind of relax and get a good setting for my trip. I was a little paraniod about the families playing in other areas but I found a place where no one could see me. I smoked a heaping bowl of salvia all at once by myself and that was the worst decision ever. I think mostly because I was alone in public, I was a little paranoid which completely threw my trip off.

First all the trees and grass turned into a mosaic looking thing. And nothing had depth anymore. It felt like I was watching everything right next to the TV screen. I looked at the grass and the dandelions started turning into snakes and they were slithering in and out of the grass, which I thought was pretty cool. Then shit got bad. My legs went numb and I thought I was in some Saw shit, and my feet had gotten cut off at the ankles and I REALLY needed to go the emergency room but I couldn't. And then as I laid back on the grass, the pain was taking over my legs. In my vision my mom came over to me and kept saying "is there anybody in there?" and I felt really bad like I was dissappointing my mom. After she walked off, all of sudden I was pregnant (keep in mind I am a guy) and my girlfriend (who was not there with me) came over to me and grabbed my hand and kept saying "don't worry we're gonna do this! We can make it!" I looked down at my belly and saw that my feet were still cut off and the were still in pain; they felt like needles where being poked all over them and it made me want to throw up.

I honestly thought I was going to pass out and wake up to a police officer waving a flash light in my face and I'd have to explain myself. But then as quick as the trip came, it faded and I gathered myself and rode my bike home like nothing even happened. It was way weird, like a terrible nightmare that happened in the middle of the day.

The only redeeming thing from this trip was that I gathered some good lessons: 1. why would you ever want to smoke anything besides the good old, benevolent, fun, caring mary jane? and 2. don't fuck with salvia like its some placebo; it will fuck back. Also, don't abuse other drugs. Ive never had a "bad trip" before, and I think that showed me that for my upcoming 1st time shroom experience that I just need to relax or else I could be like that for 6 hours, instead of a few minutes.

I think I may do it again...very far in the future and definitely with a sitter this time.


Well-Known Member
If you have never shroomed before here are some tips. Do them somewhere safe, no driving around, unless its a sober person at the wheel. Don't do them by yourself. Mushrooms are wierd when you get by yourself you start self analysing yourself and I don't care how good things are in your life, it will be depressing as fuck. Stay occupied, stay happy. That's about all I can think of...

Have a good time man, be safe.


Well-Known Member
I've tried joints of salvia and it doesn't do much. I ripped one hit from the bong and was hallucinating really hard for like 5 or ten minutes, just take one huge rip and you'll blast off!


Active Member
hahahah salvias the shit... here's a life saver for shrooms. loose sanity, remember ken keseys famous words. We are always acting on what has just finished happening. It happened at least 1/30th of a second ago. We think we’re in the present, but we aren’t. The present we know is only a movie of the past. oh and for shrooms FUCK RELIGION FUCK THE LAW FUCK SOCIAL COMFORMITY FUCK EVERYTHING JUST FUCK IT!!! mohahahha There are going to be times when we can't wait for somebody. Now, you're either on the bus or off the bus. If you're on the bus, and you get left behind, then you'll find it again. If you're off the bus in the first place — then it won't make a damn. ... but the story i wanted to tell is that of kesey, in the 60's In Berkley California. Timothy Leary was the speaker, he inspired millions of listeners to turn on, tune in, and drop out.... shortly after Kesey took the stage, as the crowd cheered him on he waited for silence and uttered only these few utterences. "FUCK IT!" and left stage.