Get a Load of the Top Conservatives, According to Conservatives... lmfao

jeff f

New Member
i think the list is pretty accurate although i dont think oreilly is necessarily conservative.


Active Member
Some of those people I would list as "conservative" according to the definition that seems to be prevalent for that term ... a combination of social conservatism combined with reckless abandon in spending. Some are fiscally conservative. Some (like Savage) are moonbat crazy and wear a really tight tin-foil hat (both sides have those liberals so don't start giggling with school girl glee). Others lean towards what I would call libertarian-republicanism. While others, such as Palin could be considered paleoconservative.

O'Reilly I would lump in with the the social conservative-authoritarianistic side of "conservatism" and I find them to be as dangerous as any true anarchist or feel-good leftist / statist. But then I would, as I am a true classical liberal who still upholds the value of republicanism (that is the form of government, not the party).


Active Member

Says a lot that these people are at the forefront of the "conservative" side of the political spectrum in America.. Though I guarantee a list of the lefts most uhh.. "prominent" leaders would be just as ridiculous.

Fuck politics?

America is all about the popularity contest, not necessarily about who is wrong or right or who is best for the job. We might as well make our presidential elections similar to “American Idol”, especially after the grand show that was put on last time.


Well-Known Member
I wish they would stop using the word conservative. Its way to broad of a word that a lot of people can consider themselves conservatives just because they pay their bills on time. The current bunch are republicans, not conservatives. When every "conservative" administration since Regan has blown up the debt (dems too) they cant keep calling themselves conservatives.

Our goverment with the virtual one party rule we have had for decades is very very corrupt. We toss one party out on the street for corruption only to put the party into power that was thrown out for overspending and corruption and expecting change is the definition of insanity.


Active Member
Completely correct corners. That is why you see such a groundswell of disdain from the left towards people who are derisively referred to as "tea baggers". And the republicans are swiftly finding out that these tea party protesters will not fall in line for them either.