Germination Problems


Active Member
So I have a stash of old bag seed (maybe 3-6 years) and I am having a helluva time germinating any of them and I'm at like 95-100% fail rate. I started a batch of 20 seeds thinking that several wouldn't pop and they didn't even after over a week. So I decided to do many more in different batches and I'm still having issues. After germinating maybe 100 seeds I got only 1 seedling and another one with a small taproot. I had another seedling be it dropped dead one night. I have 4 paper towels in ziplock bags in my drawer. I have like 15 soaking in a cup of water, and I have another 10 or so on a paper towel thats on a plate thats under a bowl. After about 8-9 days none have made a peep.

Any advice I'd appreciate.


Well-Known Member
Put it on your modem, or something warm. Sativa seeds germinate in alot higher temps. But as it's random bagseed, idk if you have sativas there.
I'd still advise you to put the seeds somehwere warm. keep them moist. Otherwise if it doesn't work, they're dead. Others will say they'll germ in soil, but it they don't with my advice, then they're dead.


Active Member
Sounds like they aren't viable seeds or you're not keeping them warm enough during germination. I have some 5 year old seeds and they are starting to fail the same way. Im sure 5 years is supposed to be nearing the end of shelf life.


Well-Known Member
Did you keep the room very dark, along with warm water? Seeds do go bad over time but mainly what causes them to go bad is high or low temps.


Active Member
I actually left them under the laptop for a day or 2 and even in my growbox under my little green house to keep them warm. As far as the seeds I'm using were stored I think they were kept fine. They're in a little pill bottle. I'll try a few fresh seeds tonight and put them someplace warm for a few days and see if anything happens. The seeds I'm germinating now have been moved around a lot from place to place trying to spark a reaction so I think I'll ditch all the old ones later


Well-Known Member
3-6 years old? They're probably not good anymore. You can't expect them to last forever. Buy some fem seeds from attitude or herbie's headshop.


Well-Known Member
3-6 years old? They're probably not good anymore. You can't expect them to last forever. Buy some fem seeds from attitude or herbie's headshop.
What he said! The seeds are "tits up"...get a hold of some seeds from reputable seed bank, i recomend these new autoflower strains.....but you will pay for them...;)
good luck!


Active Member
3-6 is a generous over-estimate. I have cracked old seeds in the past pretty much for shots and giggles and now when I'm actually trying to start a garden this is my luck haha


Well-Known Member
If they aren't gonna crack they aren't gonna crack. Not much we can do to help really. Best bet would be to buy some fem seeds. Bag seed IMO is a waste unless it's your first grow.


Active Member
Problem solved. Getting some really really nice clones from a friend in a week or 2 :) thanks for you guys' input!