Germination problems

I bought ten feminized seeds (white widow x white castle) from Nirvana recommended by this forum and am having a problem with them. This is my first buy from Nirvana after being ripped off twice by other seed banks and was hoping for better. The first seed germed and sprouted and is now happy in her new home in the closet. The next three seeds in succession have all germed then died. I have them in a damp paper towel in a ziplock bag on a heating mat. The last one I've kept there an extra two days but no further growth from the tap root. Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
ive never bothered with the scarifying thing. i use the paper towel method. after ive soaked them till they sink , usually 12 hours, i put them in an old ice-cream tub covered with black gaffa tape cover them with a towel and pop them under my cfl. normally within 24 to 36 hours theyve popped. ive pretty much had 100% success with that method, on the only occassion i can remember failing the seeds had been left in my jeans pocket and put through the washing machine, i think 2 or 3 outta the 8 germ'd


Well-Known Member
scaring i do as last results
your heat pad you use acontroller
sum peak at over 100 on their own wit no controller and cooks seeds


Active Member
what temp is the heating mat? maybe its too hot and they died.. everyone tries to make germ so tough, just put the seed 3/4 of an inch down in a cup of soil and keep it moist, i dont have problems with that, why make it so difficult.


Sector 5 Moderator
Once the tap root comes out, you plant them, not keep them in the paper towel. Don't blame the seed company for a noob mistake.


Well-Known Member
I've done the paper towel method, shotglass method, and sticking it in moist soil far it appears the shotglass method works the best for me...just threw the seeds in a shotglass with water in it, put it up on top of my fridge...waited until the taproot cracked out :D


Well-Known Member
as massah says ; plant it when u see the tap root. there is a theory that too long in the paper towel can cause probs because micro-bits of the towel sticks too the tap root. i honestly don't know if thats true but why chance it?