germination problems


Well-Known Member
i have a bunch of old seeds and they seem to be having trouble germing, a few have cracked but the rest seem to not want to. Anyone know any useful germination tricks???


Brick Top

New Member
I think the; "old seeds" part explained your problem and if they are old enough no tricks will bring back a good germ rate.

Maybe if you tell people what you have tried so far they can then know what to say to try. If you have already tried everything they know there is not much use in telling you to do what you have already done that did not work.

So how have you tried to germ your; "old seeds?"


Well-Known Member
so far ive let them sit in a cup of warm water for 24 hours then switched it to a damp paper towel in water. I tried sanding one slightly and thats the one that popped so thats my best bet so far but i was wonderin if anyone else had some good idears


Well-Known Member
My best guess it be patient. I have been told an old seed can take as much as a week or so to crack. The embryo inside the seed has been sleeping for some time and needs awhile to "wake up." Be patient and you should have a couple more crack. Keep the water temperature slightly above room temp if you can. On top of you water heater is a great place to keep the water.