Germinated seeds and just planted them in soil now?????


Ok I have a few questions so I germinated 3 seeds which look very healthy and I planted them in soil so now......

1. I been reading that I should put a plastic cover over my plant (seedling)/cup, why do i do this and should I do this?

2. When and what kind of nutrients and food do I feed seedlings? How often?



Well-Known Member
Ok I have a few questions so I germinated 3 seeds which look very healthy and I planted them in soil so now......

1. I been reading that I should put a plastic cover over my plant (seedling)/cup, why do i do this and should I do this?

It is to keep humidity in, n yes, it is a good idea as seedlings like 80-90% humidity. Let it off for a few minutes a couple of times a day to allow for fresh air.

2. When and what kind of nutrients and food do I feed seedlings? How often?
Nutrients should not be fed for several weeks as the soil contains all a young seedling needs. Feeding nutrients at this stage will damage the seedling, and slow root production. When u do start feeding, use 1/2 strength from what the manufacturer of the nutrient suggests - as this is for an adult plant.

Hope this helps - XxNinjaxX :joint:


It is to keep humidity in, n yes, it is a good idea as seedlings like 80-90% humidity. Let it off for a few minutes a couple of times a day to allow for fresh air.

Nutrients should not be fed for several weeks as the soil contains all a young seedling needs. Feeding nutrients at this stage will damage the seedling, and slow root production. When u do start feeding, use 1/2 strength from what the manufacturer of the nutrient suggests - as this is for an adult plant.

Hope this helps - XxNinjaxX :joint:

Thanks cause I was very curious what to do.